I have been "out of training" and off on another planet for over a month. First I had fanily stuff,then I was sick--to later find out I had strep for probably two weeks before I was put on anti-biotics. Then I got a sinus infection. needless to say my marathon dream is over for December. Jess and I are switching to the half marathon in Vegas.
I am still not running, although today I would like to get in three miles. Such a difference from FOURTEEN five weeks ago!! Damn. :) But I feel better---a little less burned out.
I have been doing Crossfit like CRAZY and am seeing some good results with that, mostly mentally. My wall balls are starting to kick ass.
The photo above is the Saturday crossfit group from yesterday. Some newbies in there. What a workout! I helped Janelle set up and "coach"....mostly I yelled out the time and encouraged people. It was fun.
then last night I went to Mom's and she is cleaning out the basement. I noticed John's weight bench and weights. Well, immediately I wanted the set---so he gave me the entire set and the bench and bars, and EVERYTHING for graduation! Wow--AWESOME gift. It is a REALLY REALLY nice set of weights and looks great in our basement gym! HHAHAHAHAHA. Hopefully it helps me look better.
Anyway,I'm back.