Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some S's of Ironman

Self-gratification (because noone loves you enough anymore to gratify you because you are always gone out of their lives!)
Submission (to the pain, to the "boss" (coach), to the miles, to the heat, to the endless miles of pavement, to the fear, and ultimately to the JOY)
Senility (how many more miles did you say?)
Sensitivity (to heat, to cold, to people's disbelief, to giving up another weekend to ride, to friends, and loved ones....)
Swearing (Damnit!I can ride a whole lot fucking faster than that fucking ride!)
Smooth (from shaving, across the water, up the hill, through the valley)
Suits (trisuits, wetsuits, swimsuits, suitcases)
Shut the fuck up and swim (This is for you, Pete!)
Shut the fuck up and run
Shut the fuck up and bike
Slick (tires, hair dos, and new bikes)
Smelly (cars, gym bags, shoes, laundry, and locker rooms)
S'mores (no, this word is for AFTER ironman!)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Newbie Weeks

Not long ago Duane would tell me about his 15 hour training weeks and I would laugh--That's a part time job! Well, welcome to the real freaking world of training, Newbie Chick. :) I am proud to say that I have now had some "long" workout weeks, too! They are only comparatively speaking---to the amount I "trained" last year. This is really only the beginning--when my weeks are short. HA HA HA:

Week of 6/01

Bike 98.6 mi 06:55
Run 14.0 mi 03:00
Strength 01:18
Swim 6950.0 yd 02:52
Yoga_Pilates_Stretch 00:22
Total Duration: 14:27 hours

Week of 6/8 (screwed this week up and missed workouts)

Bike 47.4 mi 03:00
Run 12.5 mi 02:31
Strength 00:45
Swim 6710.0 yd 02:09
Yoga_Pilates_Stretch 00:20
Total Duration: 08:45 hours

Week of 6/15 (a much better week)

Bike 97.7 mi 07:07
Run 16.0 mi 03:32
Strength 01:00
Swim 6610.0 yd 02:22
Total Duration: 14:01 hours

So--this is exciting for me. :) I feel like I am really doing something now. :) Good feeling.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

One day soon....

Currently I am too tired to write in the blog all the stuff I've been wanting to write. I'm too tired because I've been running, biking and swimming (and working crazy hours). So more than anything, I need sleeppppp....before I have to get up and go swim and run tomorrow. :)