Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Vegas Half Marathon Results

Overall report: Finished. Would not do that race again. Learned more about myself and racing. Tried new things, even though you aren't supposed to. :) Had fun being with Jess and Heather (even though Heather was forever in front of us!). Good to be away with hubby.

Now, on to allmy opinions and stories:
Vegas was supposed to be my first marathon, but due to health issues (and some brunout), I lost too much time training to actually finish the marathon without breaking myself, so I dropped down. I think this gave me a different mind set than usual--I had no true goals other than to finish and get on with pre-season training. Needless to say, although I didn't have any goals, I guess I really did---I just didn't know it until after I was still miles away from the finish line and it was over 2 hours. Oh well. To dwell on it will not change it. I have a hard time ever feeling like I do enough, so it wouldn't matter if I had done better. :)

The race started out fun. We were in the starting line herd, with a really nice couple from San Fran. At the sound off for the race, there were fireworks booming off for a bit. To look around and know we were inVegas was kind of cool. Heather took off as she was there with a goal. Jess and I just started running, looking at the people dressed up, looking at the strip, talking about our lives. We both had to pee right away, but we waited as long as possible because the port-potties all had long lines. We finally HAD to stop, and it took 5 minutes. Seriously. Later I had to stop again, but after a few minutes I decided to tough it out and keep going. Nothing about the race was eventful for me. At mile 5-ish my feet started hurting. I had one packet of Accel, one fig newton, and some sport beans. Kept hydrated, I thought, but around mile 9 or 10 my head started pounding, like it always does. I told Jess we had to speed up so we could finish and I could get Tylenol. :)

Everyone who had a Garmin was measuring in km, and I only saw 2 mile markers. Maybe there were more, but I didn't see them. That really made me angry, too. I couldn't tell how fast I was running.

Distance HALF MAR

Chip Time 02:15:57
Overall Place 3201 / 11267
Gender Place 1392 / 5849
Division Place 298 / 1076
Age Grade 48.5%
Pace 10:22.1

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