Sunday, August 2, 2009

Days away from 70.3

I can't blog with earphones in my ears. Is that the same thing as trying to skip and chew gum at the same time?

T minus one week until my first 70.3. In a way, doing this particular course is like giving my virginity, that I've saved for 32 years, to a really ugly ex-boyfriend. I've been there, done that, hated it, and now I'm going back to give myself over to it again, to live in my memory forever and ever. The swim and bike are fine (if you like 12 miles of uphill each loop), but the run course leaves MUCH to be desired...if it is what I think it is. In fact, it is what I think it is because Jess and I have been out there to do that loop. Boulder Rez is open, treeless, and very very dirty--and not in the good dirty way--the BAD dirty way. The kind of dirty that gets in your skin and your beautiful new $130 running shoes and stays there forever---so that every time you look at yourself or put on your shoes, you remember the pain and suffering. And it's supposed to be hot. Like 95 degrees hot. Water on head for the bike, ice on head for the run. I think I will put ice down my shirt, actually. Save the ta-tas from overheating. They have feelings too.

Today I went to a 3000 person all female triathlon--Tri for the Cure. My friend Kelly did her first tri. I was sooo excited to be there to support her and see what the experience is like as a spectator. It was really cool. I teared up a few times, thinking about what she was accomplishing, knowing how much she was hurting. In reality she made it look easy. Which made me set a new goal. My new goal is to ALWAYS come through the finish line with a smile. Not the usual: "Am I still alive?" scowl. GOOD JOB, KELLY!

Now it's 6:43pm on Sunday. I still have time to work on an application for a leadership program I'm trying to get in to, do laundry and plan my week, day by day, preparing for this race. Coach Pete said that I need QUIET FOCUS--watch a movie, read a book, meditate. Maybe I will buy a new book and do just that--read. Calm. Serene. Meditative.

I feel pretty good. I got two weeks of taper. Not sure why, but Pete does, do I didn't ask. He knew he gave it to me. I am enjoying it. Takes some stress off of me in ways. Other ways I worry if I am getting out shape. Again, I"m not the coach, so I try not to worry.

I'm really tired. Maybe I'll just go to bed. :)

Later gaters.


Molly said...

You are going to do GREAT next weekend!!! So excited for you!

Julia Rossi said...

"Never forget your beginner's spirit." I like your new goal...a smile, though not quite as dramatic as fist pump/tears/falling to your knees, always guarantees a great finishing pose!

Boulder 70.3 is going to be a suffer fest. But what better way to prepare yourself for the big suffer fest in November! Smile during the run on the treeless/duuurty/hot as hell me it helps! I will be thinking of you!

As always, please save those ta tas from overheating or being uncomfortable in any way. :)