Saturday, July 11, 2009

Checklist for Cycling

It takes me for freaking EVER to get ready for a long ride. In fact, I am constantly forgetting stuff, so I made a list. Now I know why it takes me forever. I'm not the most organized of triathletes.

-Bike: tires checked, tires aired up, check brakes, change out skewer if necessary
-Water/hydration/nutrition: aerobar bottle of Perpetuem, water bottle of water, extension on the aerobottle, food (before, during and after), gels, sharkies, etc.
-ID, road ID braceelet, credit card
-Clothes (easier said than to find! Especially cycling socks--why are they always hiding from me??), cycling gloves, sunglasses
-heart rate monitor (that works--I've broken two in the last two months!)
-heart rate strap (duh.)
-Skewer (the bike one, not the training one. I still can't find the bike one right now! Damnit!)
-helmet (adjusted. I swear little fairies are wearing my helmet at night!)
-Sunscreen (I have extra wipes in my tool bag for when I forget!)
-Phone (fully charged..what a pain!)
-Course description typed up in word to put in my map holder (yes, seriously love the map holder!)
-Map holder
-Bento box attached to hold phone, credit card, ID, etc.

I have been working for well over an hour and a half to get all this shit together. My heart rate monitor is lost, still. It needs a new battery I guess. And I can't find the bike skewer. DAMN!!

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