Sunday, September 21, 2008

14 mile run

Well, today I officially ran the longest distance ever...14 miles. It was painful. It was hard. But it was an accomplishment. I did walk through steps (a few steps at a time I would walk and shake my legs out). Today I wondered how in the world I will be able to finish a marathon. That is a common thought. If you follow your plan, you run the marathon. I don't have to believe every second that I can do it. I will just continue to do my best training and let the natural flow happen.

Yesterday I saw two very cool PTs who helped me figure out what's wrong with my lower body and how to fix it. Lots of PT. Lots of stretching. Lots of "this is now part of your training, not rehab!". :) So what used to be a 30 run will now be about 50-60 minutes with warm up/stretch/cool down/stretch. If I want to run, I will do what they told me. If I don't, I won't be running much longer. Besides, why would I continue to want to feel like shit when I can feel better? I ask myself that question every time I put a Cheeto in my mouth. ;)

Ephianies on the run. I am crazy. Strong. Still crazy. One day 14 miles will seem easy. I just had to finish 14 to get there. Next week is 17. Not sure I am up to that. is a life saver. I can play around with distances all day!
Pain. oh yes. I reached a point today where I almost, sorta did cry. Mile 13. Tight quads. Aching arches. Hurting back. Why do I do this to myself? Oh yes. I like pain. I forget.

Anyway. there were no big ah-ha moments today. I do want to write a book someday about all of my adventures, though. :)

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