Thursday, May 29, 2008
Far from a Triathlete
I haven't worked out in two weeks.I eat cookies, Whoppers, pizza, donuts, scones, and drink pop. I am on a sabbatical from the healthy life for just a few more days. I'm in the middle of getting finals done to GRADUATE from grad school. WOW! BUT--I can't really focus on too many big things at once, so training and school and work competed and school won. I am going to be BACK on soon!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Brandy The Painter
So I spent about 3 hours today spraying our fence. I must say it's quite the improvement in time over HAND painting the fence, which we did three years ago. Now I am tired and want to scrapbook. I think I might! Laters.
Fed Cup 5K

Today was the annual Fed Cup 5K for federal employees and their families. I walked with a team from work. It was a great time. We got to hang out and bond for an hour while we walked together. We all kind of walked at our own pace....some challenged themselves to pick off people in front of them, and some people just strolled. We got finisher medals, which is ALWAYS cool!!
The hubby and I went to Lowes and got home improvement/gardening stuff. I'm going to paint my room as soon as I am graduated in less than 4 weeks. We are also adding some fencing to the tree in our front yard, bought a hummingbird feeder, new food for the bird feeder, and fence paint (sealant). Right now hubby is in the garage with the power washer getting some dirt out of there. I scrubbed the stains from where my jeep was leaking power steering fluid.
Anyway, enjoying some baked talapia now and soon we will spray the fence, set the new fence up, and who knows what else we will do. :)
I am learning that life can't be ALL about working out and triathlon and running. I HAVE to nurture my relationships, too, especially with hubby. He gives me alot of support. I can give him some attention and love in return! :)
Hope ya'll are having a great weekend! it's BEAUTIFUL in CO!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
A gym run
Let's see...Wednesday Jessie and I ran around her neighborhood for 77 minutes and I was CRAZY sore the next day. So I got up early and met Denise at the gym, and just walked and did the elliptical for about 45 minutes total (between the two). Today I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill. Did three miles of speed intervals, mostly on the quarter mile, but towards the end about every 1/8 mile! I was tired!! My base time was 8:57 minutes and the interevals were on 8:30, 8:00, 7:45 and 7:30 minutes/mile. It was a nice workout. 25:22 minutes total for an average mile time of 8:41. This running business just takes time to get used lifting weights. You can't make your muscles cut in one night, or even 15. But, they go away overnight, seemingly!! I can tell you all about that another day!! (WHY did I stop lifting?? DUMB ASS!) :)
Ok, got a fun night planned with hubby and our good friends. Off to see Golden Compass!
Ok, got a fun night planned with hubby and our good friends. Off to see Golden Compass!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Oh what a ride!
Today's workout was C-R-A-Z-Y! Got to the team swim practice and swam 1800+ yards. Took a short break, go tmy biking stuff on, grabbed some food and hydration, and set out on my LONGEST and HARDEST ride to date--in my whole entire 31 years! Sure, I've ridden 24 miles in a day, but never all at once! Today we rode 27 miles (with some hills) in 1:43:57, which ends up being at 17mph pace. NOT BAD for a newbie! It was super hard, actually. Doable, but extruciating at times. I wasn't wearing ANY padding in my shorts, so that was the first thing to become unbearable around mile 23 or 24. On top of that, my lower back started hurting and the top of my back was sooooo tight---it stung to move. I'd stand up a little to give my girl parts and butt a rest from the seat, only to have to sit back down on them both which hurt even more. But, even though it was painful, it was super rewarding. I felt great!
Came home, took a nap, then Eric and I did chores all afternoon. Now I HAVE to go do homework!
Came home, took a nap, then Eric and I did chores all afternoon. Now I HAVE to go do homework!
Friday, May 9, 2008
FINALLY got in the water today
I made it to a swim today! AMAZING! It's a miracle. I used to LOVE to swim, and I still do--I just don't like GETTING in the water, and now that I know my stroke sucks hard core, I'm embarrassed! (Have a swim assessment and they told me my stroke needs a lot of work!)
So anyway, here is the workout I did:
1x200 yd warmup
3x400 yd freestyle (7:00-8:30 each)
3x200 yd freestyle (didn't time)
3x100 yd freestyle (did sprint intervals)
1x200 cool down
Total: 2500 yds in 50 minutes.
Swimming is "easy" for me, which is another reason I haven't spent much time in the water. Running and biking weren't so easy, although they are both getting better. But I am not a two sport person--I'm a three sport person, so gotta start training in the water! YIKES--open water swim starts at the end of the month! Gotta get a wetsuit sooooon!
So anyway, here is the workout I did:
1x200 yd warmup
3x400 yd freestyle (7:00-8:30 each)
3x200 yd freestyle (didn't time)
3x100 yd freestyle (did sprint intervals)
1x200 cool down
Total: 2500 yds in 50 minutes.
Swimming is "easy" for me, which is another reason I haven't spent much time in the water. Running and biking weren't so easy, although they are both getting better. But I am not a two sport person--I'm a three sport person, so gotta start training in the water! YIKES--open water swim starts at the end of the month! Gotta get a wetsuit sooooon!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Triathlon Humor From the Web
Favorite t-shirts from
Threesome anyone?
If your relationship still works, you could be training harder
Oh, you're a runner. That's all you do?
Not tonight honey, I've got a race tomorrow
I tri like a GIRL so tri to keep up
There is no "I" in team, but there is in TRIATHLON
Pain and Sweat remove weakness fromteh body and soul
"do you have OED?
by Coach Steve
As we pursue excellence in triathlon events our behavior can become a bit obsessive, especially from the perspective of those who don't participate, but that's what passion for sport is all about. As obsessions go triathlon is not that bad, perhaps a little taxing to family and significant others, but no threat to society as a whole. Consider what we do from the perspective of those not 'addicted' and you should be able to see some humor in it.
Here are the symptoms:
Just one more qualifier and you're sure you'll make it to Kona.
Only one workout a day makes you feel guilty.
You called in sick not because you're hung over but because the weather was bad over the weekend and you've got to get that long workout in.
You lie to your friends and family about what you did over the weekend: "I relaxed!"
You can accurately assess fitness level by volume of laundry.
You know the exact weather prediction for any given day, when a storm is coming, what the wind speed is—and most important—from which direction it's blowing.
Your bike(s), wheels, wetsuit, and other miscellaneous tri-gear are worth more than your car.
A year of entry fees cost more than your car insurance.
You never sleep-in on weekends.
You used to eat candy bars and still do, but now they have names that include words like: Power, Balance, Zone, etc.
Acronyms and numbers like HRM, AT, LT, ATP, OD, 140.6, 70.3 are familiar, and IM does not mean Instant Messenger!
You know there's still a band aid at the bottom of lane 3.
The phrases "Swim Meet this Weekend," and "Annual Maintenance Shutdown" stress you out.
You forgot how to tie shoe laces.
You know all the kilometer to mile conversions by heart.
Spending another $1000 on your bike to shave a few seconds off your 40k time is well worth it.
You plan your race season a year in advance and log on at midnight with your credit card ready.
You used to make fun of people wearing Lycra, now you think it looks cool. :)
You look forward to getting older (aging up = less competition)!
You put your swim goggles on, just to turn on the lawn sprinkler.
You assign wave-starting times for your kids to run through the sprinkler.
You lay out your pajamas on a towel, transition-style, on the floor next to your bed.
You eat over the table in the aero-position.
Even during fine dining, you drink out of a bike bottle.
Your church shoes are Look and SPD compatible.
Your idea of candy is Powerbars and Powergels.
You record nightly splits for getting ready for bed such as bathing, brushing your teeth, and putting on pajamas.
You bring clip-on aerobars to the grocery for the cart.
You do a 10K in a Speedo.
You buy a car to match your bike.
Your most important accessory on that new car is the bike rack.
You wear a heart rate monitor to mow the lawn.
You consider standing in the Communion line at Church as drafting.
You require your employees to complete a triathlon for their yearly raise.
You show up at a formal social function in a Quintana Roo Longjohn.
All of your fine jewelry is made up of triangular shapes.
You believe that golfers should have to swim, bike, and/or run after their golf balls.
You believe that a weekly primetime TV drama should have a triathlon basis.
You thought that Viagra was for keeping up with the race leaders.
You believe that Disney World should have a Triathlon Kingdom.
You believe that all motels should be required to have at least a 25-meter lap pool.
You show up with your goggles and bicycle, at run races.
You tell everyone that your athletic background is triathlon.
Dating a triathlete...
"I am an outdoors type of person." Really means: I train in any type of weather. If it's raining, snowing, 90 degrees w/100 percent humidity, or winds gusting at 30 mph. I don't want to hear any complaints because I will still train in it and you're just a big wuss for complaining about it.
"I enjoy riding my bike." Really means: with or w/o aero bars, alone or in a peleton, I don't care. If you can't do a spur of the moment 30 miler then you're not my type. I will let you draft, but if you can't hang and I drop you - I will see you later. I am a capable mechanic, but don't expect me to change your flats or tune your bike. You need to learn that on your own.
"I enjoy jogging." Really means: Let's run hills until we puke. I have just as many shoes as you only mine are better because they are functional and all look the same.
"I enjoy dining out." Really means: I enjoy eating out, in or anywhere else I can find food. Don't be shy because with the amount of food I eat, you can have that main entree instead of a salad and you will still look as though you eat like a rabbit in comparison. Don't get your limbs too close though as I may take a bite out of you. Most importantly don't expect any taste off my plate unless you can bring omething to the party like more food. Eventually though if your not burning 4,000 calories a day your going to plump up and have a terrible complex due to watching me eat deserts and not gain any weight. Friends and family will eventually decide not to dine with us anymore due to my horrid table manners. Oh, and don't ask me any questions during breakfast, Mid Morning Lunch, Lunch, Afternoon lunch, dinner or Recovery Dinner as it does not lend to efficient food intake.
"I enjoy quiet walks on the beach." Really means: Walks on the beach warming up into an 8 mile run and then plunging myself in the ocean for a 2 miler. If you get in my way you're going to find out what mass start is and let me assure you that you don't want to find out.
"I find fulfillment in charitable work." Really means: If I am not racing, I am volunteering and I expect you to be there along side me as I stand out in 90 degree weather for 8 hours handing out sports drink to cyclists going 20 mph. Just stick the ol' arm out there and hope it doesn't get taken off.
"I enjoy sharing quiet moments together." Really means: It's taper time. Just back off because I am strategizing and in a pissy mood because I am worried about my "A" race and can't workout.
"I am an active person." Really means: Aside from my 40 hour job, and the 8 mandatory hours of sleep a night. 10 hours a week are devoted to me during the off-season and 20 during race season leaving us 4 hours. 2 of which are spent inhaling food and you not talking to me, so let's make the best of the 2 hours we will spend together on average each day. If you are a licensed message therapist or doctor this would make the most optimal use of our time together. Nutritionist is also acceptable, but I probably already know just as much as you.
"I enjoy road trips and leisurely drives." Really means: You have your choice of Wisconsin, Idaho, Florida, California, Arizona, and Canada, but don't expect to do much site seeing. If I get enough support from you we might be able to include Hawaii in there.
"I enjoy site seeing." Really means: Lets grab a mountain bike and get our HR's up to 90%. There's plenty of time to look around on the descent as trees and bushes whiz by you at 40 mph.
"I like stimulating conversation." Really means: while we are running, we can talk about food. Then we can talk about how we decided what to wear on this run based on the temperature at start time versus the temperature at the time we expect to finish, how horribly out of shape we are, how many miles we did last week, and how many we will do this week and next week. Then we can talk about food.
"I enjoy relaxing soaks in the tub." Really Means: I'm going to stop on the way home and buy two bags of ice, throw them in the tub with some water, and sit in this torture chamber for 30 minutes.
"I'm interested in photography" Really Means: My camera is permanently perched a tripod in front of my trainer. I obsess over taking photos of my bike position and analyzing them to get the perfect setup.
"I'm into in technology" Really Means: My HRM and bike computer are my best friends. Until you can give me some hard data that can improve my training, don't bother trying to buddy up to me. You could one day break into the top three if I find you as entertaining on long runs and rides as my mp3 player.
The Top 10 Ways to tell an energy bar from a dog turd...
Energy bars cost about $2. Dog turds are free.
Energy bars have shiny wrappers. Dog turds don't.
A fly will eat a dog turd. I've never seen a fly eat an energy bar.
Dog turds get slippery when wet.
Energy bars come in many delicious flavours. Dog turds only come in 1.
Energy bars hold their shape in a jersey pocket much better than dog turds.
Dog turds won't damage a lawn mower blade. The jury is still out on energy bars.
You won't find an energy bar sitting on the ground in the park.
Dog turds are made of naturally occurring substances.
Dog turds are biodegradable
On the joy of eating power bars...
From: Louis Savastani
Subject: Re: How can you make GU?
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 08:59:44 -0500
John Argentati wrote:
> Does anyone out there know how to make GU?
1 Powerbar
1/2 cup water
Blend Powerbar and water at high speed in blender
for 3 minutes. Throw away contents. Eat blender :-)
Threesome anyone?
If your relationship still works, you could be training harder
Oh, you're a runner. That's all you do?
Not tonight honey, I've got a race tomorrow
I tri like a GIRL so tri to keep up
There is no "I" in team, but there is in TRIATHLON
Pain and Sweat remove weakness fromteh body and soul
"do you have OED?
by Coach Steve
As we pursue excellence in triathlon events our behavior can become a bit obsessive, especially from the perspective of those who don't participate, but that's what passion for sport is all about. As obsessions go triathlon is not that bad, perhaps a little taxing to family and significant others, but no threat to society as a whole. Consider what we do from the perspective of those not 'addicted' and you should be able to see some humor in it.
Here are the symptoms:
Just one more qualifier and you're sure you'll make it to Kona.
Only one workout a day makes you feel guilty.
You called in sick not because you're hung over but because the weather was bad over the weekend and you've got to get that long workout in.
You lie to your friends and family about what you did over the weekend: "I relaxed!"
You can accurately assess fitness level by volume of laundry.
You know the exact weather prediction for any given day, when a storm is coming, what the wind speed is—and most important—from which direction it's blowing.
Your bike(s), wheels, wetsuit, and other miscellaneous tri-gear are worth more than your car.
A year of entry fees cost more than your car insurance.
You never sleep-in on weekends.
You used to eat candy bars and still do, but now they have names that include words like: Power, Balance, Zone, etc.
Acronyms and numbers like HRM, AT, LT, ATP, OD, 140.6, 70.3 are familiar, and IM does not mean Instant Messenger!
You know there's still a band aid at the bottom of lane 3.
The phrases "Swim Meet this Weekend," and "Annual Maintenance Shutdown" stress you out.
You forgot how to tie shoe laces.
You know all the kilometer to mile conversions by heart.
Spending another $1000 on your bike to shave a few seconds off your 40k time is well worth it.
You plan your race season a year in advance and log on at midnight with your credit card ready.
You used to make fun of people wearing Lycra, now you think it looks cool. :)
You look forward to getting older (aging up = less competition)!
You put your swim goggles on, just to turn on the lawn sprinkler.
You assign wave-starting times for your kids to run through the sprinkler.
You lay out your pajamas on a towel, transition-style, on the floor next to your bed.
You eat over the table in the aero-position.
Even during fine dining, you drink out of a bike bottle.
Your church shoes are Look and SPD compatible.
Your idea of candy is Powerbars and Powergels.
You record nightly splits for getting ready for bed such as bathing, brushing your teeth, and putting on pajamas.
You bring clip-on aerobars to the grocery for the cart.
You do a 10K in a Speedo.
You buy a car to match your bike.
Your most important accessory on that new car is the bike rack.
You wear a heart rate monitor to mow the lawn.
You consider standing in the Communion line at Church as drafting.
You require your employees to complete a triathlon for their yearly raise.
You show up at a formal social function in a Quintana Roo Longjohn.
All of your fine jewelry is made up of triangular shapes.
You believe that golfers should have to swim, bike, and/or run after their golf balls.
You believe that a weekly primetime TV drama should have a triathlon basis.
You thought that Viagra was for keeping up with the race leaders.
You believe that Disney World should have a Triathlon Kingdom.
You believe that all motels should be required to have at least a 25-meter lap pool.
You show up with your goggles and bicycle, at run races.
You tell everyone that your athletic background is triathlon.
Dating a triathlete...
"I am an outdoors type of person." Really means: I train in any type of weather. If it's raining, snowing, 90 degrees w/100 percent humidity, or winds gusting at 30 mph. I don't want to hear any complaints because I will still train in it and you're just a big wuss for complaining about it.
"I enjoy riding my bike." Really means: with or w/o aero bars, alone or in a peleton, I don't care. If you can't do a spur of the moment 30 miler then you're not my type. I will let you draft, but if you can't hang and I drop you - I will see you later. I am a capable mechanic, but don't expect me to change your flats or tune your bike. You need to learn that on your own.
"I enjoy jogging." Really means: Let's run hills until we puke. I have just as many shoes as you only mine are better because they are functional and all look the same.
"I enjoy dining out." Really means: I enjoy eating out, in or anywhere else I can find food. Don't be shy because with the amount of food I eat, you can have that main entree instead of a salad and you will still look as though you eat like a rabbit in comparison. Don't get your limbs too close though as I may take a bite out of you. Most importantly don't expect any taste off my plate unless you can bring omething to the party like more food. Eventually though if your not burning 4,000 calories a day your going to plump up and have a terrible complex due to watching me eat deserts and not gain any weight. Friends and family will eventually decide not to dine with us anymore due to my horrid table manners. Oh, and don't ask me any questions during breakfast, Mid Morning Lunch, Lunch, Afternoon lunch, dinner or Recovery Dinner as it does not lend to efficient food intake.
"I enjoy quiet walks on the beach." Really means: Walks on the beach warming up into an 8 mile run and then plunging myself in the ocean for a 2 miler. If you get in my way you're going to find out what mass start is and let me assure you that you don't want to find out.
"I find fulfillment in charitable work." Really means: If I am not racing, I am volunteering and I expect you to be there along side me as I stand out in 90 degree weather for 8 hours handing out sports drink to cyclists going 20 mph. Just stick the ol' arm out there and hope it doesn't get taken off.
"I enjoy sharing quiet moments together." Really means: It's taper time. Just back off because I am strategizing and in a pissy mood because I am worried about my "A" race and can't workout.
"I am an active person." Really means: Aside from my 40 hour job, and the 8 mandatory hours of sleep a night. 10 hours a week are devoted to me during the off-season and 20 during race season leaving us 4 hours. 2 of which are spent inhaling food and you not talking to me, so let's make the best of the 2 hours we will spend together on average each day. If you are a licensed message therapist or doctor this would make the most optimal use of our time together. Nutritionist is also acceptable, but I probably already know just as much as you.
"I enjoy road trips and leisurely drives." Really means: You have your choice of Wisconsin, Idaho, Florida, California, Arizona, and Canada, but don't expect to do much site seeing. If I get enough support from you we might be able to include Hawaii in there.
"I enjoy site seeing." Really means: Lets grab a mountain bike and get our HR's up to 90%. There's plenty of time to look around on the descent as trees and bushes whiz by you at 40 mph.
"I like stimulating conversation." Really means: while we are running, we can talk about food. Then we can talk about how we decided what to wear on this run based on the temperature at start time versus the temperature at the time we expect to finish, how horribly out of shape we are, how many miles we did last week, and how many we will do this week and next week. Then we can talk about food.
"I enjoy relaxing soaks in the tub." Really Means: I'm going to stop on the way home and buy two bags of ice, throw them in the tub with some water, and sit in this torture chamber for 30 minutes.
"I'm interested in photography" Really Means: My camera is permanently perched a tripod in front of my trainer. I obsess over taking photos of my bike position and analyzing them to get the perfect setup.
"I'm into in technology" Really Means: My HRM and bike computer are my best friends. Until you can give me some hard data that can improve my training, don't bother trying to buddy up to me. You could one day break into the top three if I find you as entertaining on long runs and rides as my mp3 player.
The Top 10 Ways to tell an energy bar from a dog turd...
Energy bars cost about $2. Dog turds are free.
Energy bars have shiny wrappers. Dog turds don't.
A fly will eat a dog turd. I've never seen a fly eat an energy bar.
Dog turds get slippery when wet.
Energy bars come in many delicious flavours. Dog turds only come in 1.
Energy bars hold their shape in a jersey pocket much better than dog turds.
Dog turds won't damage a lawn mower blade. The jury is still out on energy bars.
You won't find an energy bar sitting on the ground in the park.
Dog turds are made of naturally occurring substances.
Dog turds are biodegradable
On the joy of eating power bars...
From: Louis Savastani
Subject: Re: How can you make GU?
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 08:59:44 -0500
John Argentati wrote:
> Does anyone out there know how to make GU?
1 Powerbar
1/2 cup water
Blend Powerbar and water at high speed in blender
for 3 minutes. Throw away contents. Eat blender :-)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Today was filled with exercise! Woke up early to go to spin at the gym. Cary was the instructor and he's great--hard, but great. He lead us on a "flat, fast" course. I thought I was going to die. It was HARD! 5 minute intervals--2 minutes steady, 1.5 minutes double time, 1.5 minutes out of the saddle double time. OUCH!! I lasted 48 of the 50 or so minutes. Then I got off the spin bike, threw my running shoes on and ran for the nearest treadmill where I ran a 8:06 mile. Then, tonight, Jess and I went running downtown for an hour. That was fun. She's a great running partner and I know she is making me a better runner for sure.
I put all my stuff in sparkpeople, and it ends up I burned 1305 (give or take) calories today! Woo-hoo! That makes up SOMEWHAT for that entire bag of mini rice cakes I ate while shopping for groceries!
I learned today that I need excessive amounts of water when I work out--almost an ounce for every minute or a little bit over. Seriously!! I drank almost 50 ounces spinning and running and I didn't get a headache for once! YAY!!
I'm kind of bummed about losing my muscle definition from 8 months of weight training, but I guess it's okay for now. I'll have to use the "off season" to get ripped. I'm still doing weights, but not insanely like I was.
Well, that's all for tonight. Now it's time to rest, read for school and go to sleep!
Sweet dreams! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........................
I put all my stuff in sparkpeople, and it ends up I burned 1305 (give or take) calories today! Woo-hoo! That makes up SOMEWHAT for that entire bag of mini rice cakes I ate while shopping for groceries!
I learned today that I need excessive amounts of water when I work out--almost an ounce for every minute or a little bit over. Seriously!! I drank almost 50 ounces spinning and running and I didn't get a headache for once! YAY!!
I'm kind of bummed about losing my muscle definition from 8 months of weight training, but I guess it's okay for now. I'll have to use the "off season" to get ripped. I'm still doing weights, but not insanely like I was.
Well, that's all for tonight. Now it's time to rest, read for school and go to sleep!
Sweet dreams! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........................
Monday, May 5, 2008
City Road Training
I really don't like cycling on roads with cars, and stop lights, and cross walks, and pedestrians. To make matters more frustrating, I have laryngitis--so I can't tell people I'm "On the left!" But, on the bright side, I got out on my bike and rode her, him, it..I don't know yet. "It's" not named. I hadn't considered naming a bike until Duane was talking about naming his. (There is bird seed ALL over our front porch---damn birds! We bought the birdfeeder to draw birds, which happens to keep our Bengals entertained all day (it's like a really good movie for cats), becasue we thought it would be an endearing energy to add to our house. Needless to say, there is bird shit all over our front porch and seed scattered EVERYWHERE, but I get a warm spot in my heart when I see the little shits.) Anyway, my ride was slow. Clip in, clip out, cross the street. Clip in, clip out, use the brakes, hit the walk sign, clip in. That's the way it went and I don't like it. I have yet to actually FALL, but today I came damn close! I rode up to a cross walk and couldn't decide if I was going to try to beat the car across or not. I ended up not trying, but I also was almost stopped by the time I realized I needed my foot free. Luckily my shoe came out with a little sideways thrashing action. Then, later, about a mile down the road, I was stopped and needed my left foot (usually kept clipped in), and didn't realize it was clipped in. Survived that too.
Do you realize that street (sidewalks mostly for me still) are filled with glass!!! People!!! Keep your stupid drunk asses at home, and that will keep the glass off the sidewalks for the cyclists! Deal?? No Deal?? Is that your final answer??
But, I did manage to ride ON the road with cars, too. It was scary, but necessary. I kept wondering if some jackass was going to try to hit me for points. I used to hate cyclists, too, but I never HIT one! Especially for points! What a stoooopid thing to do.
I should go do my homework. Only 5 more weeks and then I am FREE to be a REAL triathlete without the burden of 100 page papers and classes and worries.
Do you realize that street (sidewalks mostly for me still) are filled with glass!!! People!!! Keep your stupid drunk asses at home, and that will keep the glass off the sidewalks for the cyclists! Deal?? No Deal?? Is that your final answer??
But, I did manage to ride ON the road with cars, too. It was scary, but necessary. I kept wondering if some jackass was going to try to hit me for points. I used to hate cyclists, too, but I never HIT one! Especially for points! What a stoooopid thing to do.
I should go do my homework. Only 5 more weeks and then I am FREE to be a REAL triathlete without the burden of 100 page papers and classes and worries.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My first real brick workout with CWW

This is my bike--a 2006 Trek 2.1 Pilot. I love it!
Yesterday was my first coached brick workout with CWW. We rode 12 miles at CC Rez, then ran a mile. Rode 12 miles , then ran a mile. My pace was about 15 mph the first loop. The first mile was 7:53. The second loop I rode with one of the male cycle coaches. I think we went faster than the first loop. I worked harder for sure! Really attacked the hills. I think if you can make yourself do the harder parts of a training or race stronger, you become a better athlete. It's mental for me. I see a hill--I attack it. I see the finish line, or the end of my run, and I pick up the pace. The last mile run I did in 8:10 (and I was trying to "slow down"). Track running is really different. Haven't been on a real track in years. Kind of nice--very squishy. Looks like I will find a track around here and start doing some interval speed work--to burn fat and wake up my fast twitch muscles! All in all I burned about 1400+ calories. Whew! Tired girl! And Sore!
Still sore today, mostly in my right knee (new pain) and my neck/shoulder area. Must be riding wrong.

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