Friday, May 16, 2008

A gym run

Let's see...Wednesday Jessie and I ran around her neighborhood for 77 minutes and I was CRAZY sore the next day. So I got up early and met Denise at the gym, and just walked and did the elliptical for about 45 minutes total (between the two). Today I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill. Did three miles of speed intervals, mostly on the quarter mile, but towards the end about every 1/8 mile! I was tired!! My base time was 8:57 minutes and the interevals were on 8:30, 8:00, 7:45 and 7:30 minutes/mile. It was a nice workout. 25:22 minutes total for an average mile time of 8:41. This running business just takes time to get used lifting weights. You can't make your muscles cut in one night, or even 15. But, they go away overnight, seemingly!! I can tell you all about that another day!! (WHY did I stop lifting?? DUMB ASS!) :)

Ok, got a fun night planned with hubby and our good friends. Off to see Golden Compass!

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