This is my bike--a 2006 Trek 2.1 Pilot. I love it!
Yesterday was my first coached brick workout with CWW. We rode 12 miles at CC Rez, then ran a mile. Rode 12 miles , then ran a mile. My pace was about 15 mph the first loop. The first mile was 7:53. The second loop I rode with one of the male cycle coaches. I think we went faster than the first loop. I worked harder for sure! Really attacked the hills. I think if you can make yourself do the harder parts of a training or race stronger, you become a better athlete. It's mental for me. I see a hill--I attack it. I see the finish line, or the end of my run, and I pick up the pace. The last mile run I did in 8:10 (and I was trying to "slow down"). Track running is really different. Haven't been on a real track in years. Kind of nice--very squishy. Looks like I will find a track around here and start doing some interval speed work--to burn fat and wake up my fast twitch muscles! All in all I burned about 1400+ calories. Whew! Tired girl! And Sore!
Still sore today, mostly in my right knee (new pain) and my neck/shoulder area. Must be riding wrong.

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