It's been a while since I've written. Well, since the beginning of Dec after the Vegas Half. Since then I have put on some more weight, signed up for Nashville marathon in April, and laid out my season with my tri coach: 1 marathon,two 70.3 distances and one 140.6 (Arizona). I am in a funk right now, not sure what I'm doing with my eating and working out. Am I burnt out? Disinterested? Stressed? Yes, maybe all. I'll be glad when the holidays are over, I get a new position at work, and it's warmer outside. My husband wants me to ride in the cold. Not sure I want that. Maybe I will try.
Read Chrissie Wellington's blog--she's a fabulous writer!
Today's goal is "simple": 3 liters of water. No matter what else I put in my mouth, that much water must follow!
I still have some christmas shopping to do, for a gift exchange happening today. Better get to the store!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Vegas Half Marathon Results

Overall report: Finished. Would not do that race again. Learned more about myself and racing. Tried new things, even though you aren't supposed to. :) Had fun being with Jess and Heather (even though Heather was forever in front of us!). Good to be away with hubby.
Now, on to allmy opinions and stories:
Vegas was supposed to be my first marathon, but due to health issues (and some brunout), I lost too much time training to actually finish the marathon without breaking myself, so I dropped down. I think this gave me a different mind set than usual--I had no true goals other than to finish and get on with pre-season training. Needless to say, although I didn't have any goals, I guess I really did---I just didn't know it until after I was still miles away from the finish line and it was over 2 hours. Oh well. To dwell on it will not change it. I have a hard time ever feeling like I do enough, so it wouldn't matter if I had done better. :)
The race started out fun. We were in the starting line herd, with a really nice couple from San Fran. At the sound off for the race, there were fireworks booming off for a bit. To look around and know we were inVegas was kind of cool. Heather took off as she was there with a goal. Jess and I just started running, looking at the people dressed up, looking at the strip, talking about our lives. We both had to pee right away, but we waited as long as possible because the port-potties all had long lines. We finally HAD to stop, and it took 5 minutes. Seriously. Later I had to stop again, but after a few minutes I decided to tough it out and keep going. Nothing about the race was eventful for me. At mile 5-ish my feet started hurting. I had one packet of Accel, one fig newton, and some sport beans. Kept hydrated, I thought, but around mile 9 or 10 my head started pounding, like it always does. I told Jess we had to speed up so we could finish and I could get Tylenol. :)
Everyone who had a Garmin was measuring in km, and I only saw 2 mile markers. Maybe there were more, but I didn't see them. That really made me angry, too. I couldn't tell how fast I was running.
Distance HALF MAR
Chip Time 02:15:57
Overall Place 3201 / 11267
Gender Place 1392 / 5849
Division Place 298 / 1076
Age Grade 48.5%
Pace 10:22.1
Monday, December 8, 2008
New FACEBOOK Group for Denver
If you are on Facebook, and doing IMAZ09 and you live in Denver, or in the surrounding areas, check out a new group I put together: Team 5280: IMAZ09.
Log in to facebook, go to the groups link on the right side, search the group name, and there you go!
More to come on the Vegas adventure tomorrow.
Log in to facebook, go to the groups link on the right side, search the group name, and there you go!
More to come on the Vegas adventure tomorrow.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Pre Las Vegas Half Marathon
It's only 13.1 miles, right? HAHAHAHAHA! I am way underprepared for this srace technically, but here we are--9 hours from it. My goal is to finish. My first half was under 2 hours, so I know I can do it. I have eaten so much food today that I think I will still b full tomorrow. Seriously under prepared. :)
Well, I am off to sleepy time to get a few hours of sleep. I never sleep well the night before.
Well, I am off to sleepy time to get a few hours of sleep. I never sleep well the night before.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I have no triathlon news to report other than I haven't been doing anything tri related for a few days. Well, not true, just not in the training sense. I picked up my orthotics today (with a high tech plantar faciitis tube!). And work, awww yes--the engine that makes triathlon work for me. This is a ridiculously expensive sport.
But I don't know anyone, who is ultra cool, that can resist the powers of tri!
I have to get to bed. I just want to give a shout out to all of my new tri friends!! I can't wait to meet you all, train, and drink beer together after IMAZ09!
But I don't know anyone, who is ultra cool, that can resist the powers of tri!
I have to get to bed. I just want to give a shout out to all of my new tri friends!! I can't wait to meet you all, train, and drink beer together after IMAZ09!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I KNOW WHY I TRI!!! I have to if I want to be with people of like personalities (OCD!)
Gotta read this! What a wonderful spirit. I am CONSTANTLY amazed that such talented people are human, and nice, but mostly the kind of people that you could, technically, sit down with and have a beer---if you could seriously ever find them in a bar, right?
PS-I changed my hair to blonde to match my personality. ;)
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sacrifice starts with tofu "pudding"
Today was a good food day. Sucky on the water, but food was pretty good. Quiznos is my new favorite place to eat. The traditional on wheat with red wine vinaigrette instead of ranch. But I think I will change it to turkey on wheat with tomatoes, lettuce, salt, pepper and that vinaigrette dressing. It's the dressing that has me coming back! I seriously want to eat it on everything. workout today. Run (and walk against the wind) 1 mile, slowly, to warm up for Crossfit. Do the "300" workout: 50 pullups, 50 box jumps, 50 clean and press (with kettlebell), 50 floor wipers (don't ask--but I LOVE them!), 50 ring dips(for god's sake these are EXCRUCIATING!!) and 50 deadlifts. (Took my 19 minutes and I scaled the pull ups).THEN we did the front squat thruster workout, warmup with light weights for 10-5-5-3-3 reps with varying weights. THEN we go into MAX weight for one rep, 5 times. I got up to 95 pounds, but my squat was a little shallow. Pat helped me with my breathing and focusing.......that word makes me laugh....focus? Me?
So then I went to Safeway, got a carb bar (who cares what it is--it's carbs, right? Triathletes eat from four food groups--carbs, protein, fat and "whatever in the F I want if I'm training 10-20 hours a week!". I am not in the last group, unfortunately! Everything I eat still settles on my ass. Oh, and pencils. I was determined to stay on the bike at the gym. So I did sudoku for 37 minutes straight. I kept my heartrate around 134-135, with the occasional sprint thrown in to get the blood flow back to my legs. My ass only went numb towards the end.
I followed the bike up with a 12 min/mile jog for half a mile. Of course stretching is the key to being able to walk after this, so I did lots of it.
WHICH BRINGS ME TO THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS STORY!!! TOFU PUDDING!!!! I'm on a mission to lose 25 pounds that I gained back from when I was a rocking size 4 and I LOVED it!! I love food but dislike cooking. So...I was looking for simple recipes that I could cook so I could stomach healthy food again. I found the zone book, with recipes. One of the recipes was for Creamy Orange Dessert, or something deceiving like that. Unflavored gelatin (you wouldn't believe the protein is this!), fat free plain yogurt, TOFU (gross)--and extra firm (isn't that how we rate boobs?), orange extract and peeled mandarin oranges. Long story short--the "pudding" turned out, is tolerable, and I will eat it in place of OREOS if it means I will drop weight to run, bike and swim faster. The sacrificing has begun--with tofu.
Oh, the most important part of my day--the back doctor!! After getting my SI joint shot up with Cortisone to determine if my SI joint is being a huge pain in the ass, literally, the doctor confirmed tonight that he thinks it's the SI joint. So guess what? MORE FREAKING PT for me. I see my PT more than my husband almost. Good thing she's wonderful!
Good night. workout today. Run (and walk against the wind) 1 mile, slowly, to warm up for Crossfit. Do the "300" workout: 50 pullups, 50 box jumps, 50 clean and press (with kettlebell), 50 floor wipers (don't ask--but I LOVE them!), 50 ring dips(for god's sake these are EXCRUCIATING!!) and 50 deadlifts. (Took my 19 minutes and I scaled the pull ups).THEN we did the front squat thruster workout, warmup with light weights for 10-5-5-3-3 reps with varying weights. THEN we go into MAX weight for one rep, 5 times. I got up to 95 pounds, but my squat was a little shallow. Pat helped me with my breathing and focusing.......that word makes me laugh....focus? Me?
So then I went to Safeway, got a carb bar (who cares what it is--it's carbs, right? Triathletes eat from four food groups--carbs, protein, fat and "whatever in the F I want if I'm training 10-20 hours a week!". I am not in the last group, unfortunately! Everything I eat still settles on my ass. Oh, and pencils. I was determined to stay on the bike at the gym. So I did sudoku for 37 minutes straight. I kept my heartrate around 134-135, with the occasional sprint thrown in to get the blood flow back to my legs. My ass only went numb towards the end.
I followed the bike up with a 12 min/mile jog for half a mile. Of course stretching is the key to being able to walk after this, so I did lots of it.
WHICH BRINGS ME TO THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS STORY!!! TOFU PUDDING!!!! I'm on a mission to lose 25 pounds that I gained back from when I was a rocking size 4 and I LOVED it!! I love food but dislike cooking. So...I was looking for simple recipes that I could cook so I could stomach healthy food again. I found the zone book, with recipes. One of the recipes was for Creamy Orange Dessert, or something deceiving like that. Unflavored gelatin (you wouldn't believe the protein is this!), fat free plain yogurt, TOFU (gross)--and extra firm (isn't that how we rate boobs?), orange extract and peeled mandarin oranges. Long story short--the "pudding" turned out, is tolerable, and I will eat it in place of OREOS if it means I will drop weight to run, bike and swim faster. The sacrificing has begun--with tofu.
Oh, the most important part of my day--the back doctor!! After getting my SI joint shot up with Cortisone to determine if my SI joint is being a huge pain in the ass, literally, the doctor confirmed tonight that he thinks it's the SI joint. So guess what? MORE FREAKING PT for me. I see my PT more than my husband almost. Good thing she's wonderful!
Good night.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Crossfit and getting back in the game

I have been "out of training" and off on another planet for over a month. First I had fanily stuff,then I was sick--to later find out I had strep for probably two weeks before I was put on anti-biotics. Then I got a sinus infection. needless to say my marathon dream is over for December. Jess and I are switching to the half marathon in Vegas.
I am still not running, although today I would like to get in three miles. Such a difference from FOURTEEN five weeks ago!! Damn. :) But I feel better---a little less burned out.
I have been doing Crossfit like CRAZY and am seeing some good results with that, mostly mentally. My wall balls are starting to kick ass.
The photo above is the Saturday crossfit group from yesterday. Some newbies in there. What a workout! I helped Janelle set up and "coach"....mostly I yelled out the time and encouraged people. It was fun.
then last night I went to Mom's and she is cleaning out the basement. I noticed John's weight bench and weights. Well, immediately I wanted the set---so he gave me the entire set and the bench and bars, and EVERYTHING for graduation! Wow--AWESOME gift. It is a REALLY REALLY nice set of weights and looks great in our basement gym! HHAHAHAHAHA. Hopefully it helps me look better.
Anyway,I'm back.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Take a deep breath and step back....
Wow, what a rollercoaster ride I am on! One day a triathlete, the next, what? One day an athlete of any sorts, and the next---sick, depressed, out of sorts. I feel as though I have lost my identity. Inside my body I do not have the same partions, containers to put my experiences in, to define who I am by what I do. Maybe that is the problem. Maybe I am not what I do..wondering about that statement....maybe the point of life is to "be", as some esoteric concept. I do not understand how to do it. I do not know that I would LIKE it. Not true. When I run or bike, I am "being". Me and the pavement and my aching hip. :)
Anyway, it's interesting--this feeling I have.
Today I decided not to run the marathon. I decided to do the half. I am a month behind on training and I can't make it up. Don't want to. I don't want to put that much work in, for a race that is not going to be a good time anyway. I just don't want to work that hard right now. I want it to be fun. That's why I do this, right? To have fun? Then I need to start having fun again. I just don't know how to not get obsessed. Obsession is my version of focus. I can't be obsessed with more than a few things at a time. So what do i focus on? Losing weight. Half marathon. New job. Eric and family. Karate/Eric. Crossfit. Right now I feel that I need to take a deep breath and step back from worrying about all of this. Let it go. Have fun and let fun be the reward. Again, I feel the obsession creeping in my mind----go run a 10 mile race---just to see that you can! Of course I can--I ALREADY DID!!
Why do I want Ironman? Because I love tri? Because I want the medal? To see if I can? If that is the case, why do I need to see if I can? What does it do for me? Why I do need to do it? Will I finally feel successful after pounding out 140.6 miles?
Oh my god. I can hardly stand this whiney bullshit person I am becoming. Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. I am not stimulated and in the zone, and therefore I am freaking the F out. Ok, this will be ok, right?
I am going to focus this weekend on just being in this space, not trying to fix myself, make myself in to "something".
I am tired. Had a killer crossfit workout. Pat helped me learn a new lift.
Anyway, it's interesting--this feeling I have.
Today I decided not to run the marathon. I decided to do the half. I am a month behind on training and I can't make it up. Don't want to. I don't want to put that much work in, for a race that is not going to be a good time anyway. I just don't want to work that hard right now. I want it to be fun. That's why I do this, right? To have fun? Then I need to start having fun again. I just don't know how to not get obsessed. Obsession is my version of focus. I can't be obsessed with more than a few things at a time. So what do i focus on? Losing weight. Half marathon. New job. Eric and family. Karate/Eric. Crossfit. Right now I feel that I need to take a deep breath and step back from worrying about all of this. Let it go. Have fun and let fun be the reward. Again, I feel the obsession creeping in my mind----go run a 10 mile race---just to see that you can! Of course I can--I ALREADY DID!!
Why do I want Ironman? Because I love tri? Because I want the medal? To see if I can? If that is the case, why do I need to see if I can? What does it do for me? Why I do need to do it? Will I finally feel successful after pounding out 140.6 miles?
Oh my god. I can hardly stand this whiney bullshit person I am becoming. Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. I am not stimulated and in the zone, and therefore I am freaking the F out. Ok, this will be ok, right?
I am going to focus this weekend on just being in this space, not trying to fix myself, make myself in to "something".
I am tired. Had a killer crossfit workout. Pat helped me learn a new lift.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Random thoughts
I'm still sick. Sore throat. Exhausted. Frustrated. Slept a lot today. Got a new pair of running shoes and a new running water bottle. Zoomed through Paleo Diet for Athletes. Very simple diet. Lean meats, seafood, fruits, veggies and nuts. The harder part is eating at the right times, making the food interesting. I hate cooking. Watched some IRONCHEF AMERICA today. they can cook. I am amazed by their skill and creativity. Stomach art. Interesting. My left leg keeps getting tingly, like it's going numb. Have to go see Dr.Sande tomorrow to see if I can get the adjustment to take care of it. Damn it. I don't want to drive all the way down there, but I really like him and trust him and like his business ethics. Ate like crap today a bit--ramen noodles. Was craving salt and carbs. Delicious! What a gross food to love. Been sleeping a lot, dreaming a lot. Sometimes I dream so much I feel like I don't sleep all night. For three years I have been collecting recycling and shredding paper. Yesterday I went through three boxes of paperwork. Today I shredded a huge box of stuff and recycled another bag of stuff. There are still two boxes of stuff I made today (from the recycling bag) that I have to go through to determine what needs shredding. A better system is in the making! I don't like having to shred all that shit, but it's worth it if I have a better system in place for the future. Haven't consistently worked out for two weeks. This sucks. I am sitting here watching myself spiraling out of control with gaining weight and eating, but I have little energy to do much about it. Granted, I could be eating right. I have been meaning to have a conversation with myself.
Now is as good of a time as any, right? Getting needled tomorrow. Still not sure if I will make it in to work or not. Fatigue hits me like a ton of bricks, out of nowhere. I sleep when that happens, but how can I sleep at work? I guess I could sleep in the car if I get that tired. Not really wanting to stay home tomorrow, but part of me thinks I should. Will leave it up to tomorrow and see how I feel.
About weight---ah yes. Losing weight is hard. It's simple, but hard. Calories in and calories out. Proper nutrition for health. Water. Adequate exercise. Logging and journaling and accountability to self and my goals. I guess I want it to be easy. Looking back at last year when I was at Anti-gym, I remember that it was hard, but it was worth it. I was soooo proud of myself! I worked hard, had fun, ate better, drank a ton of water, but most important--I committed. I admire commitment .
So it takes planning, tracking, commitment, heart, hard work, focus, and dedication. It takes working out HARD and intensely. At least for me. Endomorphic body type---I think that's what I am.
Protein, carbs and fat. What is the right combo? Does losing weight signify success? I ask this because I was reading Paleo for Athletes and they have one theory, Zone has another, weight lifters have one, gyms have one.......which is right? It's not that people don't want to eat right, we just don't know which way is right!! I would like to go off wheat and dairy and see how I feel. As an athlete I would say that I am addicted to quick fix foods--gels, bars, drinks, etc. I haven't really been using real food properly.
So what does all of this look like? I don't know for sure yet.
1. Weigh weekly only
2. Drink 96 oz of water every day. 96 is three nalgenes so it's easy to remember.
3. Reduce salt intake. Learned it is bad for exercise induced asthma!! Go figure. I was eating more salt to take care of the headaches I get when working out from asthma, and salt makes the asthma worse!
4. Prepare and eat clean meals--lean meat/fish, veggies, fruits, nuts
5. Track intake. Log nutrition, water, vitamins, and workouts.
6. Do my PT exercises every day.
7. COMMIT to EXCELLENCE in eating.
I loved being a small size, with muscles, low body fat, and WAY MORE self-confidence. I liked myself for committing, for following through and for doing it. I was a role model. Now I feel like nothing. I want to show people that normal people can do this. Most of all I want to feel successful and bad ass again.
How do I do it?
The only way is to start. Draw a line in the sand. I like to start in the morning, but you can start any time. I will start tomorrow. I will eat clean. I will drink 96 oz of water. I don't think I will be working out. No--I won't be working out as I'm getting needled. I need to add weights to my routine.
Working out. I realize I am probably asking for sickness again. How to balance all of my exercise..that is the question.
Running 5 times a week. 2 days of intervals, 2 days of pace and one extremely long run
Karate--class one night a week for two hours
Crossfit--two times a week minimum
Weights--I would also like two days of weights in there---for my mental health.
Eric is having shoulderr surgery in a few weeks so I'm not sure how everything will change. The third week I will have to drive him to work, so we'll see how to get in everything around that schedule.
I could run on lunch, take an extended lunch. I can run/lift in the mornings before work. Tuesday/Thursday mornings I run/lift at the gym. (Assuming I can make myself get out of bed!)
I'm positive that part of my burnout is due to poor nutrition. I was putting a heavy burden on my body and not feeding it properly.
Anyway, I am almost out of things to say now. Whew. That was nice....
Now is as good of a time as any, right? Getting needled tomorrow. Still not sure if I will make it in to work or not. Fatigue hits me like a ton of bricks, out of nowhere. I sleep when that happens, but how can I sleep at work? I guess I could sleep in the car if I get that tired. Not really wanting to stay home tomorrow, but part of me thinks I should. Will leave it up to tomorrow and see how I feel.
About weight---ah yes. Losing weight is hard. It's simple, but hard. Calories in and calories out. Proper nutrition for health. Water. Adequate exercise. Logging and journaling and accountability to self and my goals. I guess I want it to be easy. Looking back at last year when I was at Anti-gym, I remember that it was hard, but it was worth it. I was soooo proud of myself! I worked hard, had fun, ate better, drank a ton of water, but most important--I committed. I admire commitment .
So it takes planning, tracking, commitment, heart, hard work, focus, and dedication. It takes working out HARD and intensely. At least for me. Endomorphic body type---I think that's what I am.
Protein, carbs and fat. What is the right combo? Does losing weight signify success? I ask this because I was reading Paleo for Athletes and they have one theory, Zone has another, weight lifters have one, gyms have one.......which is right? It's not that people don't want to eat right, we just don't know which way is right!! I would like to go off wheat and dairy and see how I feel. As an athlete I would say that I am addicted to quick fix foods--gels, bars, drinks, etc. I haven't really been using real food properly.
So what does all of this look like? I don't know for sure yet.
1. Weigh weekly only
2. Drink 96 oz of water every day. 96 is three nalgenes so it's easy to remember.
3. Reduce salt intake. Learned it is bad for exercise induced asthma!! Go figure. I was eating more salt to take care of the headaches I get when working out from asthma, and salt makes the asthma worse!
4. Prepare and eat clean meals--lean meat/fish, veggies, fruits, nuts
5. Track intake. Log nutrition, water, vitamins, and workouts.
6. Do my PT exercises every day.
7. COMMIT to EXCELLENCE in eating.
I loved being a small size, with muscles, low body fat, and WAY MORE self-confidence. I liked myself for committing, for following through and for doing it. I was a role model. Now I feel like nothing. I want to show people that normal people can do this. Most of all I want to feel successful and bad ass again.
How do I do it?
The only way is to start. Draw a line in the sand. I like to start in the morning, but you can start any time. I will start tomorrow. I will eat clean. I will drink 96 oz of water. I don't think I will be working out. No--I won't be working out as I'm getting needled. I need to add weights to my routine.
Working out. I realize I am probably asking for sickness again. How to balance all of my exercise..that is the question.
Running 5 times a week. 2 days of intervals, 2 days of pace and one extremely long run
Karate--class one night a week for two hours
Crossfit--two times a week minimum
Weights--I would also like two days of weights in there---for my mental health.
Eric is having shoulderr surgery in a few weeks so I'm not sure how everything will change. The third week I will have to drive him to work, so we'll see how to get in everything around that schedule.
I could run on lunch, take an extended lunch. I can run/lift in the mornings before work. Tuesday/Thursday mornings I run/lift at the gym. (Assuming I can make myself get out of bed!)
I'm positive that part of my burnout is due to poor nutrition. I was putting a heavy burden on my body and not feeding it properly.
Anyway, I am almost out of things to say now. Whew. That was nice....
Saturday, October 4, 2008
My road to Ironman, even to Vegas
The past two weeks has sucked for training. Last week I was busy with life and this week I've been sick. Today I feel the worst. Sore throat up into my ears. Tired. Tired. Tired. I hit up Crossfit Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. (Although Tuesday was just forms since I had my entire backside of my body needled and most of the front from my waist down.) I ran one of those days---Wednesday maybe--on the treadmill at 24 hour fitness. Oh my god that was soooo f-ing boring. Eric helped me set up my MP3 player today. With it getting dark so early and not getting light early in the morning, I am going to have to run the treadmill if I don't get my run in after work. As with everything I do, it's a planning issue. Eating. Losing weight. Seeing friends, you name it--has to be properly planned or I space it.
So, what have I been doing? Driving myself f-ing crazy. Gaining weight. Getting dimples on my ass. Gotta get back on track. I keep saying this, when is it going to happen???????
What's good, though, looking on the positive side. Eric and I went to the pumpking patch today for the first time ever. That was fun. And I am resting. :) Jilly gave me a good report from Physical Therapy.
Hmmmm...I worry about the amount of training I am missing. But--guess worrying about it does no good.
Ok, laters.
So, what have I been doing? Driving myself f-ing crazy. Gaining weight. Getting dimples on my ass. Gotta get back on track. I keep saying this, when is it going to happen???????
What's good, though, looking on the positive side. Eric and I went to the pumpking patch today for the first time ever. That was fun. And I am resting. :) Jilly gave me a good report from Physical Therapy.
Hmmmm...I worry about the amount of training I am missing. But--guess worrying about it does no good.
Ok, laters.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
14 mile run
Well, today I officially ran the longest distance ever...14 miles. It was painful. It was hard. But it was an accomplishment. I did walk through steps (a few steps at a time I would walk and shake my legs out). Today I wondered how in the world I will be able to finish a marathon. That is a common thought. If you follow your plan, you run the marathon. I don't have to believe every second that I can do it. I will just continue to do my best training and let the natural flow happen.
Yesterday I saw two very cool PTs who helped me figure out what's wrong with my lower body and how to fix it. Lots of PT. Lots of stretching. Lots of "this is now part of your training, not rehab!". :) So what used to be a 30 run will now be about 50-60 minutes with warm up/stretch/cool down/stretch. If I want to run, I will do what they told me. If I don't, I won't be running much longer. Besides, why would I continue to want to feel like shit when I can feel better? I ask myself that question every time I put a Cheeto in my mouth. ;)
Ephianies on the run. I am crazy. Strong. Still crazy. One day 14 miles will seem easy. I just had to finish 14 to get there. Next week is 17. Not sure I am up to that. is a life saver. I can play around with distances all day!
Pain. oh yes. I reached a point today where I almost, sorta did cry. Mile 13. Tight quads. Aching arches. Hurting back. Why do I do this to myself? Oh yes. I like pain. I forget.
Anyway. there were no big ah-ha moments today. I do want to write a book someday about all of my adventures, though. :)
Yesterday I saw two very cool PTs who helped me figure out what's wrong with my lower body and how to fix it. Lots of PT. Lots of stretching. Lots of "this is now part of your training, not rehab!". :) So what used to be a 30 run will now be about 50-60 minutes with warm up/stretch/cool down/stretch. If I want to run, I will do what they told me. If I don't, I won't be running much longer. Besides, why would I continue to want to feel like shit when I can feel better? I ask myself that question every time I put a Cheeto in my mouth. ;)
Ephianies on the run. I am crazy. Strong. Still crazy. One day 14 miles will seem easy. I just had to finish 14 to get there. Next week is 17. Not sure I am up to that. is a life saver. I can play around with distances all day!
Pain. oh yes. I reached a point today where I almost, sorta did cry. Mile 13. Tight quads. Aching arches. Hurting back. Why do I do this to myself? Oh yes. I like pain. I forget.
Anyway. there were no big ah-ha moments today. I do want to write a book someday about all of my adventures, though. :)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Race results and running report
Sombrero Ranch Trail Run race results are in. Coed. #141 out of 450 people. 55:32 minutes. 12:21 min/mile average. Not bad. Won't be trail racing for some time. Not until after the marathon....maybe not until after Ironman.
So tomorrow I should get up and go run. Hmmmm...will I? That is to be seen now, isn't it? Had Crossfit tonight. Eric went. It was fun to have him there.
So tomorrow I should get up and go run. Hmmmm...will I? That is to be seen now, isn't it? Had Crossfit tonight. Eric went. It was fun to have him there.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A day off
Today was supposed to be a 14 mile run, but it was a zero mile run instead. Last night before bed I put stim on my right knee for a while, then on my right quad for about an hour. I woke up this morning and my knee was SOOOO tight and stiff , and it HURT. So I didn't run on it. I can make up the mileage later this week, if at all. But I didn't try to push myself to injury. That's a new one.
Feeling kind of emotionally under the weather. Change in seasons, tri season is over, trying to figure out how to get all the training in for marathon without killing my legs. I'm going in to my more introverted season. Things will get better I'm sure.
Anyway, that's it for now.
Feeling kind of emotionally under the weather. Change in seasons, tri season is over, trying to figure out how to get all the training in for marathon without killing my legs. I'm going in to my more introverted season. Things will get better I'm sure.
Anyway, that's it for now.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
All things running (including my brain running away)

Been thinking a lot. About life. About training. About work. About family. About friends. About strengths and overcoming obstacles within my own mind.
Today I ran a 4.5 mile trail run with Heather in Estes Park. It was crazy. I thought I would run faster than I did, but I thought the hills were going to be easier than they were. Some of the hills were hard to WALK up. On a good day most of the hills would have been a nice hiking workout. I didn't want to walk, but I did, and while I was walking I told myself: "This, too,is exercise. You are at altitude, on a hill, with burning legs and burning lungs. This is working. You are getting stronger. This is changing you as a runner." Indeed I did do things I've never done. I picked a chick out and decided that I wanted to keep up with her, even if it hurt. During that time my only reason for being at the race was to teach myself to compete. To stay with the pack. To be competitive. I sped up when she sped up. She got ahead of me. I caught her. Eventually, on one of those hills, I past her. I beat her to the finish line. Maybe that would not have been the case if she had known we were racing. :) Maybe I had an unfair advantage with the knowledge I had. But that little exercise in competition strengthened me. I wanted to know what it felt like to compete and I got it. I want to do it again. Maybe I want to be competitive now. I read stories all the time about people going out there on the road, or in the water, or wherever and doing amazing things. Why not me?
I also ran fast today, when I could. I pushed myself. I didn't save energy for later. I used it when I had it, knowing I would get more when I needed it. Run up a small hill, knowing the downside would be recovery. I picked people off and beat them. I chased them down. They chased me down, too. I sprinted when before I would have only jogged. I passed people when before I would have been too afraid of being tired later. I sprinted the last quarter mile. It was all downhill...beautifully downhill. I ran and ran and ran. I wasn't going to stop. I saw the finish line...thank god, I thought. Breakfast. Coffee. Rest. It was a hard race but I got a lot out of it. :)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Half Marathon to Ice Bath
Today was Jess and I's "long run" of 13 miles. It was long, let me tell ya! I hurt really bad after mile 7 of any today I hurt for some time. It was a good run, though. Times were a little slower than we thought it should be, but hey, we ran a freaking HALF MARATHON training run.....I need to give us more credit! :)
WE saw some homeless people on the trail, some shouted out things to us and others didn't, thankfully. We almost ran right into an old couple because we were tired and had a hard time stopping our legs when we needed to. They weren't mad, though. :)
I got mental. I started to wonder if I could truly take the pain of RUNNING a full marathon. WHY would I want to do a marathon??? It's too late to ask that question. I have to trust the training and my determination. I have to trust that when the time is right, my legs will be there to carry me. Oh, and I will be nutritionally prepared. Today was not quite one of those days, although we didn't do too bad with food.
Racing a half marathon is soooo much more exciting than training a half marathon. :) The people, the excitement, the TAPER you get the few days before. :)
As we ran back to her house, as we passed road signs, I took the first letter of the road and made a positive word out of it for us. G became GREAT! GREAT! GREAT!. H was HOORAY FOR US! I'm sure I was out of it by then.
After the run I went to the vet to get cat food, and stopped by the gas station and picked up 20 pounds of ice. Came home, ate, and took a bath in 20 pounds of ice water for 10 minutes.
Legs feel.....frozen. :)
WE saw some homeless people on the trail, some shouted out things to us and others didn't, thankfully. We almost ran right into an old couple because we were tired and had a hard time stopping our legs when we needed to. They weren't mad, though. :)
I got mental. I started to wonder if I could truly take the pain of RUNNING a full marathon. WHY would I want to do a marathon??? It's too late to ask that question. I have to trust the training and my determination. I have to trust that when the time is right, my legs will be there to carry me. Oh, and I will be nutritionally prepared. Today was not quite one of those days, although we didn't do too bad with food.
Racing a half marathon is soooo much more exciting than training a half marathon. :) The people, the excitement, the TAPER you get the few days before. :)
As we ran back to her house, as we passed road signs, I took the first letter of the road and made a positive word out of it for us. G became GREAT! GREAT! GREAT!. H was HOORAY FOR US! I'm sure I was out of it by then.
After the run I went to the vet to get cat food, and stopped by the gas station and picked up 20 pounds of ice. Came home, ate, and took a bath in 20 pounds of ice water for 10 minutes.
Legs feel.....frozen. :)
Sunday, August 31, 2008

I took this week easy not because I am lazy or sabotaging my training, but I hurt quite a bit this week. Jilly worked on my IT bands and shins. She said they are tooooo tight. Annie wants me to start IMS (Intramuscular stimulation)<--puts needles into the muscles--OUCH!
So I took Thursday off after being too sore from running/CF-ing on Wednesdy. Saw Jill Friday, took off...and then decided not to do anything Saturday, although I could have. So yes, Saturday I was "lazy"--but I got to the gym and lifted weights with Jessica and finished painting my room and moved some of my stuff back in. Not to mention, endless loads of laundry.
Last night I spent an hour looking at IM tattoos. I haven't seen one I like yet. :)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Marathon Training Slow Down
I am taking it easy this week. I ran 2.6 miles on Tuesday and 4.6 miles on Wednesday. Took Thursday and Friday off. Well, Thursday was karate, but no running. Today I am supposed to go run, but don't know if I will or not. Tomorrow is a long run, but we are hiking a 14-er. I think we are doing Evans. Does that replace an 8 mile run? :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Marathon Training Week 1
Well, this is my first week of marathon training. Last sunday Jess and I did 7.75 miles by my house. Tuesday, Wednesday and today I ran at the gym on the treadmill. not my favorite, but not terrible. Will like it more with music and a cute running outfit (and the body to go with it!).
Feeling ok. My right shin is a little sore. Feels like one area in particular is tight or something. Left knee hurts but no more than usual.
Adjusting to the discipline of working out regularly. It's so good for me. :) I'll finally know what I can do instead of saying: "Well, if I trained I would be so much better!"
I also decided today to pursue my next karate belt. :) That will be fun.
Feeling ok. My right shin is a little sore. Feels like one area in particular is tight or something. Left knee hurts but no more than usual.
Adjusting to the discipline of working out regularly. It's so good for me. :) I'll finally know what I can do instead of saying: "Well, if I trained I would be so much better!"
I also decided today to pursue my next karate belt. :) That will be fun.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Update to the week
--The Oly was cancelled half way through. No more needs to be said about that. Visit if you want to hear more about it.
--Today I started Crossfit as a member! Woo-hoo! Very excited. Learned how to do deadlifts today. VERY FUN!
--Also started Zone Diet today. It wasn't a perfect day, but it was soooo much better than I've been doing. I wasn't tired at all!
--Ok, off to bed. More to come.
--Today I started Crossfit as a member! Woo-hoo! Very excited. Learned how to do deadlifts today. VERY FUN!
--Also started Zone Diet today. It wasn't a perfect day, but it was soooo much better than I've been doing. I wasn't tired at all!
--Ok, off to bed. More to come.
Friday, August 15, 2008
My Very Own Olympic 2008
Ok, so maybe I am not an L33T (elite) athlete, but tomorrow marks my very own Olympic race--an Olympic distance tri. A .93 mile swim, a 24 mile bike and a 6 mile run. Not too shabby. Additionally, it will be 50 degrees or less when we start, and most likely raining. Today I was thinking owning stock in Under Armour is probably the way to go. I need a whole wardrobe of it. Instead I bought a cheapie Nike pair of capri running pants that I may or may not wear. I think I should, but we got an email from our Pod Mom that said we shouldn't try to put pants on. I'm wondering if I want a faster T-time or a more comfy, warm run.
This week my nutrition has been weak, but I've managed to hydrate and get in quite a few packets of electrolytes. Sadly I have consumed LARGE amounts of honey grahm crackers and fruit snacks today, in hopes of loading my body with carbs. The smarter side of me thinks I am an idiot. We'll see tomorrow. :) hopefully the less smart side of me is right, but I hope the smarter side speaks up earlier for my next race and then "we" (me and the voices that fight in my head) will eat veggies and fruit instead of bread, ham, cheese, coffee and grahm crackers. They sure were delicious!
Ok, more later. The propane ran out, so we have to go get some more. Yes--I should be packing, but it's better to spend quality time with the hubby, I think. :) He's my biggest supporter. Laters.
This week my nutrition has been weak, but I've managed to hydrate and get in quite a few packets of electrolytes. Sadly I have consumed LARGE amounts of honey grahm crackers and fruit snacks today, in hopes of loading my body with carbs. The smarter side of me thinks I am an idiot. We'll see tomorrow. :) hopefully the less smart side of me is right, but I hope the smarter side speaks up earlier for my next race and then "we" (me and the voices that fight in my head) will eat veggies and fruit instead of bread, ham, cheese, coffee and grahm crackers. They sure were delicious!
Ok, more later. The propane ran out, so we have to go get some more. Yes--I should be packing, but it's better to spend quality time with the hubby, I think. :) He's my biggest supporter. Laters.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ironman Arizona 2008, then 2009

I have decided to do Ironman next year, 2009. It may be crazy. It may mean I am not thinking clearly. It absolutely means I am not afraid of the challenge. I have the willingness. Now I need the ability.
I'm volunteering this year at Ironman Arizona 2008 so I can be there to sign up for 2009. It will be awesome!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Standing in the Middle o f Me
Today I worked out with my ex-trainer, who is moving to Dallas. I haven't worked out with him since January. What a treat. I can't describe in words how those workouts make me feel. They are group high intensity interval trainings with cardio and weights. After one of them I am left feeling as if I am standing in the middle of me--calm, centered, non-chaotic. It is one of the most beautiful feelings I've ever had. At peace. That feeling is so rare to me. It's helpful because I am feeling a little disappointed in me right now, but this too shall pass.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Backpack Camping
Just got back from a weekend in the mountains with Gerry, Sheri, Jess and Eric. We had a great time. I needed the time to sit back and relax and "reset". Not sure I am "reset" but I feel better than I did when we left. A little more motivated to get my butt moving on losing the weight I gained back and getting more training in for triathlon.
We did a crazy hike yesterday---3.5 hours, up a mountain, through a rock/boulder field, and back down. It was wet and we slid all over the place. One time I landed in a puddle with my knee slamming in to a tree. That was not fun. Eric suffered a bit because he had on tennis shoes, not hikers. It feels good to get so high (13000 ft about). I slept amazingly last night!
Glad to be home, now, though. Back to life.
We did a crazy hike yesterday---3.5 hours, up a mountain, through a rock/boulder field, and back down. It was wet and we slid all over the place. One time I landed in a puddle with my knee slamming in to a tree. That was not fun. Eric suffered a bit because he had on tennis shoes, not hikers. It feels good to get so high (13000 ft about). I slept amazingly last night!
Glad to be home, now, though. Back to life.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Danskin Photos
For pictures of this year's Danksin, visit my photo album at , under June 2008: Danskin Tri
2008 Danskin Time Splits
COHEN, BRANDY Bib #1112 F 30-34
Overall Rank: 104 of 1611
Class Rank: 25 of 194
Swim: 00:03:41
Swim Rank:0 (didn't get a swim rank cuz they changed the course)
Trans1: 00:02:00
Bike: 00:39:01
Bike Rank: 263
MPH: 15.3
Trans2: 00:02:01
Run: 00:26:12
Run Rank: 93
Pace: 00:08:27
Final: 01:12:58
Overall Rank: 104 of 1611
Class Rank: 25 of 194
Swim: 00:03:41
Swim Rank:0 (didn't get a swim rank cuz they changed the course)
Trans1: 00:02:00
Bike: 00:39:01
Bike Rank: 263
MPH: 15.3
Trans2: 00:02:01
Run: 00:26:12
Run Rank: 93
Pace: 00:08:27
Final: 01:12:58
Ramblings on Tri
My mentor, Sharon, wrote me today to tell me good job. Thanks to her email I knew the times were posted. All in all I did do a good job. There is always room for improvement, or why else would we subject ourselves to three sports in one race??!! I don't know. My friend, Kelly, asked me on Saturday why I do triathlon, and all I could think to say is "It's hard". How does one explain why one does triathlon? There is a t-shirt at that says: "If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand." Honestly, I don't know why I like tri. It's challenging. It's technical. It pushes me. Tri exposes the weak parts of me and my mental and emotional mind. It's fun. It's different. I don't get bored with one sport. I love the community and I love my CWW team! I love my mentor, Sharon, and coach , Yoli. They are both (as are ALL of the women of CWW) strong, tough, amazing women who encourage me to be the best I can be--even when I am extremely hard on myself. I tri becacuse I can. I tri because most people don't. :)
Ok, enough for now. Later I will post my results. :) 8:26 minute miles!!
Ok, enough for now. Later I will post my results. :) 8:26 minute miles!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
2008 Danskin Sprint Triathlon
The day I have waited for, for a year, finally came--a chance to beat the hell out of my time at the 2007 Danskin. Last week I did a rehearsal and knew I was on track to do well (over last year). I got up at 315 or 330am (can't remember---still sleeping!) and packed the car, ate some oatmeal, got my water bottle with drink mix ready. I put on my CWW team tri suit, covered up with some long work out pants and a jacket with a hood. At 410am I was on my way to Aurora Reservoir for 2008 Danskin. I ended up getting there about 450am, unpacked my car, and walked with a fellow Danskin triathlete to the transition area. We were there nice and early so we got a great spot, really close to transition. Granted, we had to sacrifice hours of sleep, but hey---whatever it takes to get out of transition faster! Transition was soooo full last year, but that was not the case for a while this year. My new friend and I were both surprised at how long it took people to get there and get set up. So I was standing around, wondering how best to use the 2 hours until my wave blasted off. Alicia (?? can't remember her name now) and I took a walk down to the water, talked to some people about the course, felt the water, and walked back to our area. Then I decided to do a 1.5 mile jog to warm up including some stretches. Next I squeeeeeeezed into my wetsuit! Whew! That is a job! It is hard to get all of the air pockets out of it, and get it up your arms and legs enough. I was tired already!
So the wetsuit finally got zipped up and off to the water we went. (Yes, I learned to pee IN my wetsuit. Sorry to all of you who think it's gross. It sucks more to have to pee and have to stop all of the time at the port-o-potty at every transition.) This year the course was modified. Instead of 800 meters, it was only 400 meters. I heard that the water was deemed too cold (ok, I didn't think so, but hey....) to do a full 800 meters. Honestly, the swim portion felt like a joke. It cheated all the people whose best leg is the swim! And it interfered with me figuring out how much I had truly improved over last year. Anyway.....
So I got out of the water and my watch said something ridiculous like 3 minutes 50 seconds, so my watch may have been accidentally stopped in the water--I don't know. Needless to say, I did not trust my watch the entire tri and didn't keep my own splits due to that reading. It was nice not feeling like I had to remember to start and stop the watch, though.
when I got out of the water, stripped off my goggles, swim cap, and started getting my wetsuit pulled down, I ran into Mom and John. They were in transition! They came over to my transition area and asked me if I needed help. That was sweet, but I told them no. Talk about getting disqualified!
Then it was off on the bike! CRAP!! I got into the right area to get on my bike, but I couldn't get my damn shoe clipped in. That's not a strange happening, I was just pissed that it was eating time! Oh, before I keep blabbing, the bike course was also changed!!!! 10 miles instead of 12, and new roads. I didn't like the new course at all. Partly because I am not comfortable making a lot of turns yet, and partly because I was mentally prepared for last year's course. I passed some people and tried to stay strong. We'll see what the clock says. I hope I averaged at least 15 mph. There were alot of hills, though. I passed people instead of being passed all of the time. That was a nince treat!
So finally I got off of the bike and to transition 2. I had to pee---so I got all of my running gear on, and off to the port-o-potty. There are pictures of me coming out of it I guess.
The run was pretty good, surprisingly. I told myself to imagine that I was out for a nice jog, relaxed, calm, easy pace. It worked for a bit, then I was tired and wanted to walk. BUT I DIDN'T! In fact, I ran the whole 3.1 miles and I finished strong.
Looking forward to seeing the splits.
That's it. No funny story this year.
So the wetsuit finally got zipped up and off to the water we went. (Yes, I learned to pee IN my wetsuit. Sorry to all of you who think it's gross. It sucks more to have to pee and have to stop all of the time at the port-o-potty at every transition.) This year the course was modified. Instead of 800 meters, it was only 400 meters. I heard that the water was deemed too cold (ok, I didn't think so, but hey....) to do a full 800 meters. Honestly, the swim portion felt like a joke. It cheated all the people whose best leg is the swim! And it interfered with me figuring out how much I had truly improved over last year. Anyway.....
So I got out of the water and my watch said something ridiculous like 3 minutes 50 seconds, so my watch may have been accidentally stopped in the water--I don't know. Needless to say, I did not trust my watch the entire tri and didn't keep my own splits due to that reading. It was nice not feeling like I had to remember to start and stop the watch, though.
when I got out of the water, stripped off my goggles, swim cap, and started getting my wetsuit pulled down, I ran into Mom and John. They were in transition! They came over to my transition area and asked me if I needed help. That was sweet, but I told them no. Talk about getting disqualified!
Then it was off on the bike! CRAP!! I got into the right area to get on my bike, but I couldn't get my damn shoe clipped in. That's not a strange happening, I was just pissed that it was eating time! Oh, before I keep blabbing, the bike course was also changed!!!! 10 miles instead of 12, and new roads. I didn't like the new course at all. Partly because I am not comfortable making a lot of turns yet, and partly because I was mentally prepared for last year's course. I passed some people and tried to stay strong. We'll see what the clock says. I hope I averaged at least 15 mph. There were alot of hills, though. I passed people instead of being passed all of the time. That was a nince treat!
So finally I got off of the bike and to transition 2. I had to pee---so I got all of my running gear on, and off to the port-o-potty. There are pictures of me coming out of it I guess.
The run was pretty good, surprisingly. I told myself to imagine that I was out for a nice jog, relaxed, calm, easy pace. It worked for a bit, then I was tired and wanted to walk. BUT I DIDN'T! In fact, I ran the whole 3.1 miles and I finished strong.
Looking forward to seeing the splits.
That's it. No funny story this year.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Danskin 2008 Rehearsal
Today was the full length (and then some) Danksin Sprint Triathlon rehearsal. We swam 800 meters, rode 12 miles and ran 4.05 miles (it was supposed to be 3.1 miles but it got miscalculated). I am pleased with my results as they are improved over my race times from last year. Next Sunday is the actual race and I anticipate on improving again.
Last years splits
Swim: 18:02
T1: 5:04 (no wetsuit)
Bike 59:30 (12.1 mph)
T2: 2:55
Run 38:13
Total: 2:03:45
Today's rehearsal splits
Swim: 15:35:80 (I anticipate this to be down in the 14:00 range on Sunday as I swam off course fairly far twice and it cost me a lot of time)
T1: 3:24:41 (with wetsuit)
Bike: 48.17.11 (I anticipate this improving a few minutes as well. We were riding with cars and I had to stop once before I could turn because there were a few cars passing. I almost bit it right there by the cars, too, that sucked. Additionally, I was tired and so on the last half I didn't go as hard as I was going. Had I maintained pace, I would have done it in about 42 minutes. I am hoping for 45 or 46 minutes on Sunday.)
T2: (had to find a bathroom and then stop to pee--TIME KILLER--but I couldn't pee in the water earlier!!): 4:09:38
Run: (this was 4.05 miles, not 3.1 as in the race last year): 40:07:24, WHICH MEANS my pace is about 10 minutes per mile, so on Sunday I expect that I will pull down 10 minute miles, or better if my body feels good and my attitude isn't shit.)
Total: 1:52:30
So, if you take off a 10 minute mile, that's 1:42:30, which is about a 20 minute difference over last year. Not bad!
Last years splits
Swim: 18:02
T1: 5:04 (no wetsuit)
Bike 59:30 (12.1 mph)
T2: 2:55
Run 38:13
Total: 2:03:45
Today's rehearsal splits
Swim: 15:35:80 (I anticipate this to be down in the 14:00 range on Sunday as I swam off course fairly far twice and it cost me a lot of time)
T1: 3:24:41 (with wetsuit)
Bike: 48.17.11 (I anticipate this improving a few minutes as well. We were riding with cars and I had to stop once before I could turn because there were a few cars passing. I almost bit it right there by the cars, too, that sucked. Additionally, I was tired and so on the last half I didn't go as hard as I was going. Had I maintained pace, I would have done it in about 42 minutes. I am hoping for 45 or 46 minutes on Sunday.)
T2: (had to find a bathroom and then stop to pee--TIME KILLER--but I couldn't pee in the water earlier!!): 4:09:38
Run: (this was 4.05 miles, not 3.1 as in the race last year): 40:07:24, WHICH MEANS my pace is about 10 minutes per mile, so on Sunday I expect that I will pull down 10 minute miles, or better if my body feels good and my attitude isn't shit.)
Total: 1:52:30
So, if you take off a 10 minute mile, that's 1:42:30, which is about a 20 minute difference over last year. Not bad!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Far from a Triathlete
I haven't worked out in two weeks.I eat cookies, Whoppers, pizza, donuts, scones, and drink pop. I am on a sabbatical from the healthy life for just a few more days. I'm in the middle of getting finals done to GRADUATE from grad school. WOW! BUT--I can't really focus on too many big things at once, so training and school and work competed and school won. I am going to be BACK on soon!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Brandy The Painter
So I spent about 3 hours today spraying our fence. I must say it's quite the improvement in time over HAND painting the fence, which we did three years ago. Now I am tired and want to scrapbook. I think I might! Laters.
Fed Cup 5K

Today was the annual Fed Cup 5K for federal employees and their families. I walked with a team from work. It was a great time. We got to hang out and bond for an hour while we walked together. We all kind of walked at our own pace....some challenged themselves to pick off people in front of them, and some people just strolled. We got finisher medals, which is ALWAYS cool!!
The hubby and I went to Lowes and got home improvement/gardening stuff. I'm going to paint my room as soon as I am graduated in less than 4 weeks. We are also adding some fencing to the tree in our front yard, bought a hummingbird feeder, new food for the bird feeder, and fence paint (sealant). Right now hubby is in the garage with the power washer getting some dirt out of there. I scrubbed the stains from where my jeep was leaking power steering fluid.
Anyway, enjoying some baked talapia now and soon we will spray the fence, set the new fence up, and who knows what else we will do. :)
I am learning that life can't be ALL about working out and triathlon and running. I HAVE to nurture my relationships, too, especially with hubby. He gives me alot of support. I can give him some attention and love in return! :)
Hope ya'll are having a great weekend! it's BEAUTIFUL in CO!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
A gym run
Let's see...Wednesday Jessie and I ran around her neighborhood for 77 minutes and I was CRAZY sore the next day. So I got up early and met Denise at the gym, and just walked and did the elliptical for about 45 minutes total (between the two). Today I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill. Did three miles of speed intervals, mostly on the quarter mile, but towards the end about every 1/8 mile! I was tired!! My base time was 8:57 minutes and the interevals were on 8:30, 8:00, 7:45 and 7:30 minutes/mile. It was a nice workout. 25:22 minutes total for an average mile time of 8:41. This running business just takes time to get used lifting weights. You can't make your muscles cut in one night, or even 15. But, they go away overnight, seemingly!! I can tell you all about that another day!! (WHY did I stop lifting?? DUMB ASS!) :)
Ok, got a fun night planned with hubby and our good friends. Off to see Golden Compass!
Ok, got a fun night planned with hubby and our good friends. Off to see Golden Compass!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Oh what a ride!
Today's workout was C-R-A-Z-Y! Got to the team swim practice and swam 1800+ yards. Took a short break, go tmy biking stuff on, grabbed some food and hydration, and set out on my LONGEST and HARDEST ride to date--in my whole entire 31 years! Sure, I've ridden 24 miles in a day, but never all at once! Today we rode 27 miles (with some hills) in 1:43:57, which ends up being at 17mph pace. NOT BAD for a newbie! It was super hard, actually. Doable, but extruciating at times. I wasn't wearing ANY padding in my shorts, so that was the first thing to become unbearable around mile 23 or 24. On top of that, my lower back started hurting and the top of my back was sooooo tight---it stung to move. I'd stand up a little to give my girl parts and butt a rest from the seat, only to have to sit back down on them both which hurt even more. But, even though it was painful, it was super rewarding. I felt great!
Came home, took a nap, then Eric and I did chores all afternoon. Now I HAVE to go do homework!
Came home, took a nap, then Eric and I did chores all afternoon. Now I HAVE to go do homework!
Friday, May 9, 2008
FINALLY got in the water today
I made it to a swim today! AMAZING! It's a miracle. I used to LOVE to swim, and I still do--I just don't like GETTING in the water, and now that I know my stroke sucks hard core, I'm embarrassed! (Have a swim assessment and they told me my stroke needs a lot of work!)
So anyway, here is the workout I did:
1x200 yd warmup
3x400 yd freestyle (7:00-8:30 each)
3x200 yd freestyle (didn't time)
3x100 yd freestyle (did sprint intervals)
1x200 cool down
Total: 2500 yds in 50 minutes.
Swimming is "easy" for me, which is another reason I haven't spent much time in the water. Running and biking weren't so easy, although they are both getting better. But I am not a two sport person--I'm a three sport person, so gotta start training in the water! YIKES--open water swim starts at the end of the month! Gotta get a wetsuit sooooon!
So anyway, here is the workout I did:
1x200 yd warmup
3x400 yd freestyle (7:00-8:30 each)
3x200 yd freestyle (didn't time)
3x100 yd freestyle (did sprint intervals)
1x200 cool down
Total: 2500 yds in 50 minutes.
Swimming is "easy" for me, which is another reason I haven't spent much time in the water. Running and biking weren't so easy, although they are both getting better. But I am not a two sport person--I'm a three sport person, so gotta start training in the water! YIKES--open water swim starts at the end of the month! Gotta get a wetsuit sooooon!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Triathlon Humor From the Web
Favorite t-shirts from
Threesome anyone?
If your relationship still works, you could be training harder
Oh, you're a runner. That's all you do?
Not tonight honey, I've got a race tomorrow
I tri like a GIRL so tri to keep up
There is no "I" in team, but there is in TRIATHLON
Pain and Sweat remove weakness fromteh body and soul
"do you have OED?
by Coach Steve
As we pursue excellence in triathlon events our behavior can become a bit obsessive, especially from the perspective of those who don't participate, but that's what passion for sport is all about. As obsessions go triathlon is not that bad, perhaps a little taxing to family and significant others, but no threat to society as a whole. Consider what we do from the perspective of those not 'addicted' and you should be able to see some humor in it.
Here are the symptoms:
Just one more qualifier and you're sure you'll make it to Kona.
Only one workout a day makes you feel guilty.
You called in sick not because you're hung over but because the weather was bad over the weekend and you've got to get that long workout in.
You lie to your friends and family about what you did over the weekend: "I relaxed!"
You can accurately assess fitness level by volume of laundry.
You know the exact weather prediction for any given day, when a storm is coming, what the wind speed is—and most important—from which direction it's blowing.
Your bike(s), wheels, wetsuit, and other miscellaneous tri-gear are worth more than your car.
A year of entry fees cost more than your car insurance.
You never sleep-in on weekends.
You used to eat candy bars and still do, but now they have names that include words like: Power, Balance, Zone, etc.
Acronyms and numbers like HRM, AT, LT, ATP, OD, 140.6, 70.3 are familiar, and IM does not mean Instant Messenger!
You know there's still a band aid at the bottom of lane 3.
The phrases "Swim Meet this Weekend," and "Annual Maintenance Shutdown" stress you out.
You forgot how to tie shoe laces.
You know all the kilometer to mile conversions by heart.
Spending another $1000 on your bike to shave a few seconds off your 40k time is well worth it.
You plan your race season a year in advance and log on at midnight with your credit card ready.
You used to make fun of people wearing Lycra, now you think it looks cool. :)
You look forward to getting older (aging up = less competition)!
You put your swim goggles on, just to turn on the lawn sprinkler.
You assign wave-starting times for your kids to run through the sprinkler.
You lay out your pajamas on a towel, transition-style, on the floor next to your bed.
You eat over the table in the aero-position.
Even during fine dining, you drink out of a bike bottle.
Your church shoes are Look and SPD compatible.
Your idea of candy is Powerbars and Powergels.
You record nightly splits for getting ready for bed such as bathing, brushing your teeth, and putting on pajamas.
You bring clip-on aerobars to the grocery for the cart.
You do a 10K in a Speedo.
You buy a car to match your bike.
Your most important accessory on that new car is the bike rack.
You wear a heart rate monitor to mow the lawn.
You consider standing in the Communion line at Church as drafting.
You require your employees to complete a triathlon for their yearly raise.
You show up at a formal social function in a Quintana Roo Longjohn.
All of your fine jewelry is made up of triangular shapes.
You believe that golfers should have to swim, bike, and/or run after their golf balls.
You believe that a weekly primetime TV drama should have a triathlon basis.
You thought that Viagra was for keeping up with the race leaders.
You believe that Disney World should have a Triathlon Kingdom.
You believe that all motels should be required to have at least a 25-meter lap pool.
You show up with your goggles and bicycle, at run races.
You tell everyone that your athletic background is triathlon.
Dating a triathlete...
"I am an outdoors type of person." Really means: I train in any type of weather. If it's raining, snowing, 90 degrees w/100 percent humidity, or winds gusting at 30 mph. I don't want to hear any complaints because I will still train in it and you're just a big wuss for complaining about it.
"I enjoy riding my bike." Really means: with or w/o aero bars, alone or in a peleton, I don't care. If you can't do a spur of the moment 30 miler then you're not my type. I will let you draft, but if you can't hang and I drop you - I will see you later. I am a capable mechanic, but don't expect me to change your flats or tune your bike. You need to learn that on your own.
"I enjoy jogging." Really means: Let's run hills until we puke. I have just as many shoes as you only mine are better because they are functional and all look the same.
"I enjoy dining out." Really means: I enjoy eating out, in or anywhere else I can find food. Don't be shy because with the amount of food I eat, you can have that main entree instead of a salad and you will still look as though you eat like a rabbit in comparison. Don't get your limbs too close though as I may take a bite out of you. Most importantly don't expect any taste off my plate unless you can bring omething to the party like more food. Eventually though if your not burning 4,000 calories a day your going to plump up and have a terrible complex due to watching me eat deserts and not gain any weight. Friends and family will eventually decide not to dine with us anymore due to my horrid table manners. Oh, and don't ask me any questions during breakfast, Mid Morning Lunch, Lunch, Afternoon lunch, dinner or Recovery Dinner as it does not lend to efficient food intake.
"I enjoy quiet walks on the beach." Really means: Walks on the beach warming up into an 8 mile run and then plunging myself in the ocean for a 2 miler. If you get in my way you're going to find out what mass start is and let me assure you that you don't want to find out.
"I find fulfillment in charitable work." Really means: If I am not racing, I am volunteering and I expect you to be there along side me as I stand out in 90 degree weather for 8 hours handing out sports drink to cyclists going 20 mph. Just stick the ol' arm out there and hope it doesn't get taken off.
"I enjoy sharing quiet moments together." Really means: It's taper time. Just back off because I am strategizing and in a pissy mood because I am worried about my "A" race and can't workout.
"I am an active person." Really means: Aside from my 40 hour job, and the 8 mandatory hours of sleep a night. 10 hours a week are devoted to me during the off-season and 20 during race season leaving us 4 hours. 2 of which are spent inhaling food and you not talking to me, so let's make the best of the 2 hours we will spend together on average each day. If you are a licensed message therapist or doctor this would make the most optimal use of our time together. Nutritionist is also acceptable, but I probably already know just as much as you.
"I enjoy road trips and leisurely drives." Really means: You have your choice of Wisconsin, Idaho, Florida, California, Arizona, and Canada, but don't expect to do much site seeing. If I get enough support from you we might be able to include Hawaii in there.
"I enjoy site seeing." Really means: Lets grab a mountain bike and get our HR's up to 90%. There's plenty of time to look around on the descent as trees and bushes whiz by you at 40 mph.
"I like stimulating conversation." Really means: while we are running, we can talk about food. Then we can talk about how we decided what to wear on this run based on the temperature at start time versus the temperature at the time we expect to finish, how horribly out of shape we are, how many miles we did last week, and how many we will do this week and next week. Then we can talk about food.
"I enjoy relaxing soaks in the tub." Really Means: I'm going to stop on the way home and buy two bags of ice, throw them in the tub with some water, and sit in this torture chamber for 30 minutes.
"I'm interested in photography" Really Means: My camera is permanently perched a tripod in front of my trainer. I obsess over taking photos of my bike position and analyzing them to get the perfect setup.
"I'm into in technology" Really Means: My HRM and bike computer are my best friends. Until you can give me some hard data that can improve my training, don't bother trying to buddy up to me. You could one day break into the top three if I find you as entertaining on long runs and rides as my mp3 player.
The Top 10 Ways to tell an energy bar from a dog turd...
Energy bars cost about $2. Dog turds are free.
Energy bars have shiny wrappers. Dog turds don't.
A fly will eat a dog turd. I've never seen a fly eat an energy bar.
Dog turds get slippery when wet.
Energy bars come in many delicious flavours. Dog turds only come in 1.
Energy bars hold their shape in a jersey pocket much better than dog turds.
Dog turds won't damage a lawn mower blade. The jury is still out on energy bars.
You won't find an energy bar sitting on the ground in the park.
Dog turds are made of naturally occurring substances.
Dog turds are biodegradable
On the joy of eating power bars...
From: Louis Savastani
Subject: Re: How can you make GU?
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 08:59:44 -0500
John Argentati wrote:
> Does anyone out there know how to make GU?
1 Powerbar
1/2 cup water
Blend Powerbar and water at high speed in blender
for 3 minutes. Throw away contents. Eat blender :-)
Threesome anyone?
If your relationship still works, you could be training harder
Oh, you're a runner. That's all you do?
Not tonight honey, I've got a race tomorrow
I tri like a GIRL so tri to keep up
There is no "I" in team, but there is in TRIATHLON
Pain and Sweat remove weakness fromteh body and soul
"do you have OED?
by Coach Steve
As we pursue excellence in triathlon events our behavior can become a bit obsessive, especially from the perspective of those who don't participate, but that's what passion for sport is all about. As obsessions go triathlon is not that bad, perhaps a little taxing to family and significant others, but no threat to society as a whole. Consider what we do from the perspective of those not 'addicted' and you should be able to see some humor in it.
Here are the symptoms:
Just one more qualifier and you're sure you'll make it to Kona.
Only one workout a day makes you feel guilty.
You called in sick not because you're hung over but because the weather was bad over the weekend and you've got to get that long workout in.
You lie to your friends and family about what you did over the weekend: "I relaxed!"
You can accurately assess fitness level by volume of laundry.
You know the exact weather prediction for any given day, when a storm is coming, what the wind speed is—and most important—from which direction it's blowing.
Your bike(s), wheels, wetsuit, and other miscellaneous tri-gear are worth more than your car.
A year of entry fees cost more than your car insurance.
You never sleep-in on weekends.
You used to eat candy bars and still do, but now they have names that include words like: Power, Balance, Zone, etc.
Acronyms and numbers like HRM, AT, LT, ATP, OD, 140.6, 70.3 are familiar, and IM does not mean Instant Messenger!
You know there's still a band aid at the bottom of lane 3.
The phrases "Swim Meet this Weekend," and "Annual Maintenance Shutdown" stress you out.
You forgot how to tie shoe laces.
You know all the kilometer to mile conversions by heart.
Spending another $1000 on your bike to shave a few seconds off your 40k time is well worth it.
You plan your race season a year in advance and log on at midnight with your credit card ready.
You used to make fun of people wearing Lycra, now you think it looks cool. :)
You look forward to getting older (aging up = less competition)!
You put your swim goggles on, just to turn on the lawn sprinkler.
You assign wave-starting times for your kids to run through the sprinkler.
You lay out your pajamas on a towel, transition-style, on the floor next to your bed.
You eat over the table in the aero-position.
Even during fine dining, you drink out of a bike bottle.
Your church shoes are Look and SPD compatible.
Your idea of candy is Powerbars and Powergels.
You record nightly splits for getting ready for bed such as bathing, brushing your teeth, and putting on pajamas.
You bring clip-on aerobars to the grocery for the cart.
You do a 10K in a Speedo.
You buy a car to match your bike.
Your most important accessory on that new car is the bike rack.
You wear a heart rate monitor to mow the lawn.
You consider standing in the Communion line at Church as drafting.
You require your employees to complete a triathlon for their yearly raise.
You show up at a formal social function in a Quintana Roo Longjohn.
All of your fine jewelry is made up of triangular shapes.
You believe that golfers should have to swim, bike, and/or run after their golf balls.
You believe that a weekly primetime TV drama should have a triathlon basis.
You thought that Viagra was for keeping up with the race leaders.
You believe that Disney World should have a Triathlon Kingdom.
You believe that all motels should be required to have at least a 25-meter lap pool.
You show up with your goggles and bicycle, at run races.
You tell everyone that your athletic background is triathlon.
Dating a triathlete...
"I am an outdoors type of person." Really means: I train in any type of weather. If it's raining, snowing, 90 degrees w/100 percent humidity, or winds gusting at 30 mph. I don't want to hear any complaints because I will still train in it and you're just a big wuss for complaining about it.
"I enjoy riding my bike." Really means: with or w/o aero bars, alone or in a peleton, I don't care. If you can't do a spur of the moment 30 miler then you're not my type. I will let you draft, but if you can't hang and I drop you - I will see you later. I am a capable mechanic, but don't expect me to change your flats or tune your bike. You need to learn that on your own.
"I enjoy jogging." Really means: Let's run hills until we puke. I have just as many shoes as you only mine are better because they are functional and all look the same.
"I enjoy dining out." Really means: I enjoy eating out, in or anywhere else I can find food. Don't be shy because with the amount of food I eat, you can have that main entree instead of a salad and you will still look as though you eat like a rabbit in comparison. Don't get your limbs too close though as I may take a bite out of you. Most importantly don't expect any taste off my plate unless you can bring omething to the party like more food. Eventually though if your not burning 4,000 calories a day your going to plump up and have a terrible complex due to watching me eat deserts and not gain any weight. Friends and family will eventually decide not to dine with us anymore due to my horrid table manners. Oh, and don't ask me any questions during breakfast, Mid Morning Lunch, Lunch, Afternoon lunch, dinner or Recovery Dinner as it does not lend to efficient food intake.
"I enjoy quiet walks on the beach." Really means: Walks on the beach warming up into an 8 mile run and then plunging myself in the ocean for a 2 miler. If you get in my way you're going to find out what mass start is and let me assure you that you don't want to find out.
"I find fulfillment in charitable work." Really means: If I am not racing, I am volunteering and I expect you to be there along side me as I stand out in 90 degree weather for 8 hours handing out sports drink to cyclists going 20 mph. Just stick the ol' arm out there and hope it doesn't get taken off.
"I enjoy sharing quiet moments together." Really means: It's taper time. Just back off because I am strategizing and in a pissy mood because I am worried about my "A" race and can't workout.
"I am an active person." Really means: Aside from my 40 hour job, and the 8 mandatory hours of sleep a night. 10 hours a week are devoted to me during the off-season and 20 during race season leaving us 4 hours. 2 of which are spent inhaling food and you not talking to me, so let's make the best of the 2 hours we will spend together on average each day. If you are a licensed message therapist or doctor this would make the most optimal use of our time together. Nutritionist is also acceptable, but I probably already know just as much as you.
"I enjoy road trips and leisurely drives." Really means: You have your choice of Wisconsin, Idaho, Florida, California, Arizona, and Canada, but don't expect to do much site seeing. If I get enough support from you we might be able to include Hawaii in there.
"I enjoy site seeing." Really means: Lets grab a mountain bike and get our HR's up to 90%. There's plenty of time to look around on the descent as trees and bushes whiz by you at 40 mph.
"I like stimulating conversation." Really means: while we are running, we can talk about food. Then we can talk about how we decided what to wear on this run based on the temperature at start time versus the temperature at the time we expect to finish, how horribly out of shape we are, how many miles we did last week, and how many we will do this week and next week. Then we can talk about food.
"I enjoy relaxing soaks in the tub." Really Means: I'm going to stop on the way home and buy two bags of ice, throw them in the tub with some water, and sit in this torture chamber for 30 minutes.
"I'm interested in photography" Really Means: My camera is permanently perched a tripod in front of my trainer. I obsess over taking photos of my bike position and analyzing them to get the perfect setup.
"I'm into in technology" Really Means: My HRM and bike computer are my best friends. Until you can give me some hard data that can improve my training, don't bother trying to buddy up to me. You could one day break into the top three if I find you as entertaining on long runs and rides as my mp3 player.
The Top 10 Ways to tell an energy bar from a dog turd...
Energy bars cost about $2. Dog turds are free.
Energy bars have shiny wrappers. Dog turds don't.
A fly will eat a dog turd. I've never seen a fly eat an energy bar.
Dog turds get slippery when wet.
Energy bars come in many delicious flavours. Dog turds only come in 1.
Energy bars hold their shape in a jersey pocket much better than dog turds.
Dog turds won't damage a lawn mower blade. The jury is still out on energy bars.
You won't find an energy bar sitting on the ground in the park.
Dog turds are made of naturally occurring substances.
Dog turds are biodegradable
On the joy of eating power bars...
From: Louis Savastani
Subject: Re: How can you make GU?
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 08:59:44 -0500
John Argentati wrote:
> Does anyone out there know how to make GU?
1 Powerbar
1/2 cup water
Blend Powerbar and water at high speed in blender
for 3 minutes. Throw away contents. Eat blender :-)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Today was filled with exercise! Woke up early to go to spin at the gym. Cary was the instructor and he's great--hard, but great. He lead us on a "flat, fast" course. I thought I was going to die. It was HARD! 5 minute intervals--2 minutes steady, 1.5 minutes double time, 1.5 minutes out of the saddle double time. OUCH!! I lasted 48 of the 50 or so minutes. Then I got off the spin bike, threw my running shoes on and ran for the nearest treadmill where I ran a 8:06 mile. Then, tonight, Jess and I went running downtown for an hour. That was fun. She's a great running partner and I know she is making me a better runner for sure.
I put all my stuff in sparkpeople, and it ends up I burned 1305 (give or take) calories today! Woo-hoo! That makes up SOMEWHAT for that entire bag of mini rice cakes I ate while shopping for groceries!
I learned today that I need excessive amounts of water when I work out--almost an ounce for every minute or a little bit over. Seriously!! I drank almost 50 ounces spinning and running and I didn't get a headache for once! YAY!!
I'm kind of bummed about losing my muscle definition from 8 months of weight training, but I guess it's okay for now. I'll have to use the "off season" to get ripped. I'm still doing weights, but not insanely like I was.
Well, that's all for tonight. Now it's time to rest, read for school and go to sleep!
Sweet dreams! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........................
I put all my stuff in sparkpeople, and it ends up I burned 1305 (give or take) calories today! Woo-hoo! That makes up SOMEWHAT for that entire bag of mini rice cakes I ate while shopping for groceries!
I learned today that I need excessive amounts of water when I work out--almost an ounce for every minute or a little bit over. Seriously!! I drank almost 50 ounces spinning and running and I didn't get a headache for once! YAY!!
I'm kind of bummed about losing my muscle definition from 8 months of weight training, but I guess it's okay for now. I'll have to use the "off season" to get ripped. I'm still doing weights, but not insanely like I was.
Well, that's all for tonight. Now it's time to rest, read for school and go to sleep!
Sweet dreams! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........................
Monday, May 5, 2008
City Road Training
I really don't like cycling on roads with cars, and stop lights, and cross walks, and pedestrians. To make matters more frustrating, I have laryngitis--so I can't tell people I'm "On the left!" But, on the bright side, I got out on my bike and rode her, him, it..I don't know yet. "It's" not named. I hadn't considered naming a bike until Duane was talking about naming his. (There is bird seed ALL over our front porch---damn birds! We bought the birdfeeder to draw birds, which happens to keep our Bengals entertained all day (it's like a really good movie for cats), becasue we thought it would be an endearing energy to add to our house. Needless to say, there is bird shit all over our front porch and seed scattered EVERYWHERE, but I get a warm spot in my heart when I see the little shits.) Anyway, my ride was slow. Clip in, clip out, cross the street. Clip in, clip out, use the brakes, hit the walk sign, clip in. That's the way it went and I don't like it. I have yet to actually FALL, but today I came damn close! I rode up to a cross walk and couldn't decide if I was going to try to beat the car across or not. I ended up not trying, but I also was almost stopped by the time I realized I needed my foot free. Luckily my shoe came out with a little sideways thrashing action. Then, later, about a mile down the road, I was stopped and needed my left foot (usually kept clipped in), and didn't realize it was clipped in. Survived that too.
Do you realize that street (sidewalks mostly for me still) are filled with glass!!! People!!! Keep your stupid drunk asses at home, and that will keep the glass off the sidewalks for the cyclists! Deal?? No Deal?? Is that your final answer??
But, I did manage to ride ON the road with cars, too. It was scary, but necessary. I kept wondering if some jackass was going to try to hit me for points. I used to hate cyclists, too, but I never HIT one! Especially for points! What a stoooopid thing to do.
I should go do my homework. Only 5 more weeks and then I am FREE to be a REAL triathlete without the burden of 100 page papers and classes and worries.
Do you realize that street (sidewalks mostly for me still) are filled with glass!!! People!!! Keep your stupid drunk asses at home, and that will keep the glass off the sidewalks for the cyclists! Deal?? No Deal?? Is that your final answer??
But, I did manage to ride ON the road with cars, too. It was scary, but necessary. I kept wondering if some jackass was going to try to hit me for points. I used to hate cyclists, too, but I never HIT one! Especially for points! What a stoooopid thing to do.
I should go do my homework. Only 5 more weeks and then I am FREE to be a REAL triathlete without the burden of 100 page papers and classes and worries.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My first real brick workout with CWW

This is my bike--a 2006 Trek 2.1 Pilot. I love it!
Yesterday was my first coached brick workout with CWW. We rode 12 miles at CC Rez, then ran a mile. Rode 12 miles , then ran a mile. My pace was about 15 mph the first loop. The first mile was 7:53. The second loop I rode with one of the male cycle coaches. I think we went faster than the first loop. I worked harder for sure! Really attacked the hills. I think if you can make yourself do the harder parts of a training or race stronger, you become a better athlete. It's mental for me. I see a hill--I attack it. I see the finish line, or the end of my run, and I pick up the pace. The last mile run I did in 8:10 (and I was trying to "slow down"). Track running is really different. Haven't been on a real track in years. Kind of nice--very squishy. Looks like I will find a track around here and start doing some interval speed work--to burn fat and wake up my fast twitch muscles! All in all I burned about 1400+ calories. Whew! Tired girl! And Sore!
Still sore today, mostly in my right knee (new pain) and my neck/shoulder area. Must be riding wrong.

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